Can You Read This?

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I cn reed et ezlee. Msot uv dee tmie I dunt splchek ulness I am riteing a lawng phost. :nod Cn utele?:whistling

I can read it easily. Most of the time I don't spell checkunless I am writing a long post. Sometimes if I think I havea word wrong I'll google it to see how they spell it.

lalena2148 wrote:
:laugh:"OMG! u meen u dont like teenspeak? PLZ! its awesome! l8ter!"

I can read it. Can we call it something other thanteenspeak? Calling grammar errors teenspeak makes teens likemyself with (what I consider) good grammar look bad.:D
Pip, yuor rghit.-it's azamnig waht the haumnmind can do. For me it's easy to read- but hard to write! I lovereading like this-post more!
:rant:First thanks Pip that was very cool! Butsecond after reading people responces I was very upset. I am a severlylearning disabled person and if my spelling is bad I appoligise butsince this is a public forum I think some of you need to be a littlemore respectful. I did not like the comment about being able to form asentence like a moderatly intelagent human because FYI I have anextremly high IQ but becaus eI am dislexic it shows in odd ways. I maynot spell or write sentances perfectly but I am an honours student andI AM INTELIGENT thank you very much:mad::whateverPS an appoligy wouldbe a decent jesture
hahaha it took me a while to figure out what youwere on about until i realised none of the words were in the rightorder...:?I think my mindsa little jumbled up

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