Arlene gave m the okay to post my session. Angiamelina is me and maripoza4685 is Arlene. So here it is:
angiamelina: Chase and I had this big conversation about how she needs to talk to you. lol
angiamelina: I kept telling her she needs to tell Arlene what she is feeling.
maripoza4685: she does
maripoza4685: she definitely knew i was coming
maripoza4685: i explained it to her last night
maripoza4685: she seems to like me
angiamelina: I tried to prepare her to be open. Even though I didn't know if she would understand.
maripoza4685: even though she may seem standofish to others
angiamelina: Chase is a loving bun. It doesn't suprise me she is open. She really is my baby.
maripoza4685: she understands at least that this is important to you
angiamelina: She is standoffish to others. She doesn't like strangers.
angiamelina: ahhh that she understands it is important to me. It really is and I really do want her to communicate with you.
maripoza4685: yes i could feel that
maripoza4685: she will
maripoza4685: she already told me that I am 'different'
maripoza4685: shes not wrong there, huh?
maripoza4685: animals often tell me that
angiamelina: lol probably not. But there is nothing wrong with that.
maripoza4685: i have to warn you though, my husband cut grass and i have a bad headache
maripoza4685: allergies...
angiamelina: I am sorry. That isn't good. I understand allergies.
maripoza4685: it will be ok
angiamelina: Are you sure? I know you said this wears you out?
maripoza4685: it's ok
maripoza4685: i don't dare disappoint Chase or she might change her mind
angiamelina: lol It is funny. I am watching her to see how she reacts.
maripoza4685: she may react or not
maripoza4685: usually animals come closer
maripoza4685: i'm like a transmitter too
angiamelina: She doesn't appear to be. She was eating hay and just stopped and laid down on the floor to relax.
maripoza4685: when you ask a question they 'hear' you
angiamelina: Do they understand though?
maripoza4685: when i perceive the question
maripoza4685: they 'hear' what you are asking
maripoza4685: make sense?
maripoza4685: it's like i'm broadcasting it to them
angiamelina: Yes, that does make sense.
maripoza4685: this is one reason why i like to do sessions thru IM because i noticed that many times the animals skip me altogether and answer their person's question directly
maripoza4685: i'm perfectly happy to be a channel
maripoza4685: but this doesn't work any other way
angiamelina: Really? I wish I could hear those answers lol I ask them every day what thye did while I was at work and of course get no answer. I always so, oh you don't want to talk about it lol
maripoza4685: i have learned that the email summaries i do feel 'onesided'
angiamelina: Yeah, I couldn't imagine doing this via email.
maripoza4685: does she turn her back when she doesn't want to listen?
angiamelina: Yes lol
maripoza4685: i figured
maripoza4685: i got an image of her doing that
maripoza4685: or she pretends not t be listening
angiamelina: She does that to me a lot. Because she is so opinionated!
maripoza4685: uh huh, Chase, i've got your number
maripoza4685: yes she is
maripoza4685: but she does love you
angiamelina: Oh yes she likes to just ignore me.
maripoza4685: very strong personality
angiamelina: Ahh I love her tons too!
maripoza4685: feels like she is teasing you
maripoza4685: she likes to get a reaction out of you
angiamelina: She does have a strong personality. Stronger then any of my animals.
maripoza4685: i told her she was a naughty girl teasing mommy
maripoza4685: even though she is small, her presence is huge
angiamelina: I can agree with that too. She grunts at me in the morning because I feed little bunny first. I know she is doing just for my reaction lol
maripoza4685: that's one thing i noticed right away
maripoza4685: ha ha ha
maripoza4685: got that right
angiamelina: She does tease me and give me a hard time. But I love every minute of it.
maripoza4685: i realized i didn't have your questions in front of e
maripoza4685: me
maripoza4685: i type way too fast especially when i am doing this
angiamelina: That is okay. I can ask them here if you would like me too.
maripoza4685: i can hardly keep up!
angiamelina: lol
maripoza4685: let's see
maripoza4685: i know you asked about her health...
maripoza4685: she insists she is fine
maripoza4685: but she's very stoic
angiamelina: Yes, I need her to drink more water.
angiamelina: For her to get better
maripoza4685: i took a peak inside, the scan I told you about?
angiamelina: yes
maripoza4685: i got an image of a crossword puzzle
maripoza4685: put together
angiamelina: What does that mean?
maripoza4685: maybe like lots of pieces of her put together?
maripoza4685: it was an odd image
maripoza4685: but i've learned to blurt out anything i see
maripoza4685: her surgeries?
angiamelina: Yes, she has had 2 surgeries from her illness.
maripoza4685: ok that's probably it
angiamelina: Does she feel okay now?
maripoza4685: she insists that she does and why are you bothering to ask?
maripoza4685: she definitely has a 'rabbittude'
angiamelina: lol Because the vet days she is very sick. That lets me know to keep fighting. It really sent chills through me.
maripoza4685: chills?
maripoza4685: Chase is nowhere near giving up
angiamelina: Oh yes she does lol one of the reasons I love her so much is because of her rabbittude.
maripoza4685: she will be fighting all the way
maripoza4685: i scanned her energy points
angiamelina: I was afraid may be she had given up. So to hear she hasn't. Gives me a lot of hapiness for everything we have gone through.
maripoza4685: do you understand what that is?
maripoza4685: definitely not given up
angiamelina: No, I don't think I do.
maripoza4685: energy flows thru everything and there are certain points in the body that are the 'source' of that energy
maripoza4685: for instance, the energy center in her throat was not open all the way the energy was stagnant
maripoza4685: to me that means that she is having a hard time expressing herself
maripoza4685: on another level, it tells me that she literally has a dry throat
angiamelina: I do hear her express her self a lot through grunting and thumping. But may be not as much as she would like.
angiamelina: She probably has a fry throat because she never ever drinks water.
angiamelina: Which makes her illness worse.
angiamelina: I meant dry throat not fry lol
maripoza4685: it more likely means she has a hard time saying what she feels
maripoza4685: got it....aaakkk! my bad timing is contagious!
maripoza4685: typing........grrr
maripoza4685: typing!
angiamelina: Can you tell her it is okay to let me know how she feels? That I want her to tell me.
maripoza4685: she sighed and said she will try harder
maripoza4685: it's not that she doesn't want you to know, it's just hard for her
angiamelina: lol that would be my Chase to sigh lol
maripoza4685: she sees it as showing weakness
maripoza4685: when she complains
maripoza4685: or tells you about something that may be wrong with her
maripoza4685: i don't know if she will change because it's in her basic personality to be that wya
angiamelina: Oh she will never be a weakness. She has fought so hard to be here. Over a year ago 2 vets told me to put her to sleep. I will never think she is a weakness.
maripoza4685: way
maripoza4685: of course we don't think so, it's her unrealistic expectations of herself
angiamelina: I can deal with that. I will just have to keep taking her to vet for check ups. Can you let her know when I do that I will never leave her. Sher gets so upset going to the vet. I am always there right beside her fighting.
maripoza4685: she puffed out her chest when you said how strong she was
maripoza4685: she knows you support her
maripoza4685: you 'fight' together
angiamelina: lol she is my strong one. She had been through a lot. But she is still fighting and loving life.
maripoza4685: ging back to energy centers...
maripoza4685: the other blockage is in her abdomen
angiamelina: I will fight with her forever. That made me tear up. She will always be my baby and I will never give up on her.
maripoza4685: it's darker there, heavier
angiamelina: A blockage in her bladder.
maripoza4685: not necessarily
maripoza4685: i can't be that specific
maripoza4685: i can't give you any diagnosis
maripoza4685: but it's possible
maripoza4685: her whole urinary system seems sluggish
angiamelina: I understand, that is the diagnosis the vet has given. Please let her know I will fight foever for her and how much I love her.
maripoza4685: something is too small?
maripoza4685: or constricted?
maripoza4685: things just don't work right there
angiamelina: It is sluggish, which is the reason she needs to drink more. It is constricted due to calcium build up.
maripoza4685: oh ok
maripoza4685: that's why i see an image of a tube coated inside in white
angiamelina: Yes, the calcium is white.
maripoza4685: see what i mean about interpreting things?
maripoza4685: she's not happy we are talking about this
angiamelina: Yes, I do. And I have no idea how you do it lol
maripoza4685: she wants to ignore it
angiamelina: Why?
angiamelina: She feels it is hard to talk about it?
maripoza4685: Chase says that thats how she's gotten this far, how she has survived by not letting it be real
angiamelina: She went from laying on the floor to hiding under the couch.
maripoza4685: yes i could feel her upset
maripoza4685: sorry Chase!
maripoza4685: maybe she thinks i am exposing all her secrets
maripoza4685: i assured her that her secrets were safe with us
angiamelina: She has. She has faught this until she was so sick she had to have emergency surgery. But she has got to let me know sooner so I can help her. She has to drink more water.
maripoza4685: did she poke her head back out?
angiamelina: No lol she is hiding from me.
maripoza4685: she's somehow associated water with what is wrong with her
maripoza4685: i tried to explain that the water is what makes things work properly
maripoza4685: she also associates drinking with peeing
angiamelina: Thank you. I have tried so hard to get her to drink some but she just won't.
maripoza4685: and that hurts so water hurts
angiamelina: Ahhh my poor girl. But the medicene she is taking will make her pee. It is Lasix.
maripoza4685: i'm getting an image of you giving her a popcicle?
maripoza4685: yes i am very familiar with Lasix
angiamelina: lol Not a popcicle but crasins.
maripoza4685: ice?
angiamelina: That is what she is on right now.
angiamelina: No ice.
maripoza4685: would she lick ice cubes?
angiamelina: I have actually never tried. I will have to try that. She hated the snow I tried to get her to lick lol
maripoza4685: ugh
maripoza4685: maybe not then
maripoza4685: she doesn't have to put her feet in the ice like in the snow
angiamelina: lol I think she was upset about the snow because I said "here" which usually means a treat and then I had this stupid container full of snow lol
maripoza4685: i may be WAY off with this, but if you put veggies in water would she 'fish' them out?
angiamelina: I have never tried. I will have to try that.
maripoza4685: ha ha ha that could be...snow would be a real let down
maripoza4685: i 'see' her liking this
angiamelina: Yeah she was not at all happy with me lol
maripoza4685: miss little Princess
angiamelina: I will try it. I know I use to have a container that grew cilantor and she loved eating it.
angiamelina: OMG is she a Princess lol
maripoza4685: i saw her little tiara
maripoza4685: symbolic i guess
angiamelina: lol that does not surprise me. She acts like a princess 24-7 lol
maripoza4685: she's amusing
maripoza4685: has a lot of personality
angiamelina: She does have a lot of personality.
angiamelina: How does she feel about Little Bunny?
maripoza4685: oh gosh i just looked at the time! we started at 7
maripoza4685: don't worry, lets finish that question at least.
angiamelina: OMG, time has gone fast! okay. I can get online now and pay for another half hour.
angiamelina: If you are okay with doing an hour?
maripoza4685: i'm not worried about it!
maripoza4685: if you wish
maripoza4685: i'm going to continue anyway
maripoza4685: she sees Little Bunny as a nuisance now, like a little sister that bugs her
angiamelina: Well, I want to pay you for an hour as there are other questions I have to ask if you are okay with it. I will get online and pay now.
maripoza4685: ok
maripoza4685: as you wish
maripoza4685: i never know how long these will go
maripoza4685: it depends entirely upon what the animal wants to tell me
angiamelina: lol I kind of got that feeling Little Bunny is a nuisance. Does Chase want to live wtih her again or is she happy by herself?
maripoza4685: she's not sure she wants to live with anyone
maripoza4685: she feels more 'special'
angiamelina: lol that sounds like her
maripoza4685: when she has her own cage
maripoza4685: she wants to tell you that its not that she dislikes her, she just doesn't want to be bothered
maripoza4685: i asked if she could just ignore her rather than being difficult and she simply said, No i don't want to
maripoza4685: is little bunny white?
angiamelina: They were bonded for years before Chase's surgeries. lol may be they are just happier apart.
angiamelina: Yes, Little Bunny is white.
maripoza4685: there is a little one here pouting
maripoza4685: it's probably her
maripoza4685: this happens a lot as well
angiamelina: lol yes she seems to be the outer lol
maripoza4685: others 'jump' in
maripoza4685: they have completely different personalities
angiamelina: That is true. A lot of times I will try to giver Chase attention and a cat will jump in.
maripoza4685: LB wants to please
angiamelina: They do have different personalities.
angiamelina: Yes, she does. But she is mean bunny lol
maripoza4685: no i meant literally, jump into the session
maripoza4685: she is saying FINE! I don't want to live with her either! so there!
maripoza4685: she's apparently been listening
maripoza4685: Little Bunny isn't little is she?
angiamelina: lol. I do kind of get they may not want to live together. But would they want to have free time out together?
angiamelina: lol Little Bunny was little when I got her but no, she isn't anymore lol
maripoza4685: Chase said that's ok with her to have playtimes together
maripoza4685: in fact, LB is quite 'fluffy'
angiamelina: OMG, yes she is!
maripoza4685: LB is mad now
angiamelina: lol she gets mad easily lol
maripoza4685: she doesn't want to be around Chase at all
maripoza4685: i can tell!
angiamelina: I kind of thouth that. But wasn't sure. Because they lived together for years.
maripoza4685: Chase is opioniated and strong, but LB is just plain ornergy
angiamelina: lol Little Bunny is so dang ornergy lol
maripoza4685: she is stomping her feet!
maripoza4685: opps!
maripoza4685: i hope i didn't insult her!
angiamelina: Have you connected with LB? I am suprised. She is so dang stubborn!
maripoza4685: i told her that I was 'fluffy' too
maripoza4685: yes she's here
angiamelina: She stomps her feet, grunts, and boxes often lol I think you are okay!
maripoza4685: she chimed in when Chase was talking about not wanting to live with her
maripoza4685: she was listening before
angiamelina: lol she is crabby, but I love her too lol
maripoza4685: but hearing that, she couldn't hold back any longer
angiamelina: lol she is a mean little thing, She is next lol
maripoza4685: if she will talk with me now
angiamelina: I paid you for an additional 30 minutes.
maripoza4685: oh! and she is angry because you didn't talk with her first
maripoza4685: i'm getting the 'you always loved her better!' rabbitude
maripoza4685: ouch!
angiamelina: Oh, well hmmmmm she is my baby too. But she tends to grunt and box me so I don't spend as much time with her. I think she hates it when I spend time with her.
maripoza4685: we love them no matter how difficult
maripoza4685: we are their guardians
angiamelina: Wow, really! I can't say she is wrong. Chase has always been the sick one. But I don't want LB to think that. Right after you said that, she started throwing around a box in her cage.
maripoza4685: Chase won't talk now that LB is here
angiamelina: wow, sounds like there is some issues between them two. Which I kind of thought.
maripoza4685: i tried to tell her that you loved her just as much
maripoza4685: but she snorted at me
angiamelina: lol That is Chase, she loves to snort lol
maripoza4685: no that was LB
maripoza4685: and she swears like a sailor
angiamelina: I think Chase has an issue that I always feed little bunny first.
angiamelina: lol I can imagine LB swears like a sailor. She is a mean little thing. I am surprised she just snorted and didn't box lol
maripoza4685: they are simply steeped in sibling rivalry
maripoza4685: i'm not sure she can listen
maripoza4685: Chase i mean
angiamelina: I have kind of gotten that. But not sure how to fix it. I always have to feed one bunny first, and they can see each other.
maripoza4685: when i tried to ask her about being upset about LB being fed first
angiamelina: lol Chase not listening sounds like the princess syndrome lol
maripoza4685: she wouldn't comment
maripoza4685: uh huh
maripoza4685: it does to me too
maripoza4685: any other questions
maripoza4685: i honestly don't know how you could have had a session without both of them here
maripoza4685: now chase is saying 'i'm the GOOD one' LOL
angiamelina: lol Chase is near me and I told her she needed to talk to Arlene, not sure if that will help. lol
angiamelina: Chase can somtimes be the good one lol but not always lol
maripoza4685: in her humble opinion she is always
maripoza4685: any more questions?
maripoza4685: i need to go in a min
angiamelina: I am okay with always thinking that. Which is probably gave her princess syndrome lol
angiamelina: Okay 2 more questions. Why won't chase use the litter box
maripoza4685: ok
maripoza4685: it has to do with the water thing
angiamelina: and why sometimes she will let me pet her for hours and other time shse will run from me like hse is scared.
angiamelina: Ahhh okay, that makes sense.
maripoza4685: she's associating the litter box with the water
maripoza4685: she doesn't mean to hurt your feelings but sometimes she needs petting and other times she doesn't want it
angiamelina: Okay, that is understandable.
maripoza4685: it may seem like she is afraid but she's only 'afraid' that you will pet her anyway
maripoza4685: she's a moody princess
maripoza4685: little Diva
angiamelina: Okay, then I will back off when she seems like that. OMG she is so a diva!
maripoza4685: evreything in her time when SHEwants it
angiamelina: lol she does.
maripoza4685: yep
angiamelina: Okay one more quesiton. Is she okay with going to the vet.
angiamelina: She always seems so scared and they are just there to help her.
maripoza4685: it's not her favorite thing to do
angiamelina: Does she know I will always bring her home. I would never leave her.
maripoza4685: she knows they are trying to help but does not like how they smell
maripoza4685: she knows you are there for her
angiamelina: lol they do kind of smell like bleach lol
angiamelina: Okay good!
maripoza4685: i'm not sure what she means but she is wrinkling up her nose
maripoza4685: eww!
maripoza4685: she has me in stitches
angiamelina: lol she is back laying on the floor with her ears high like she is listening to something
maripoza4685: no doubt
angiamelina: lol it might be the meds. She thinks they are yucky.
maripoza4685: i dont blame her there
maripoza4685: lots of animals tell me that
angiamelina: I am sure.
maripoza4685: i hate to do it, but i need to end the session
maripoza4685: Ghost Whisperers is on
angiamelina: That is okay. I will pay online and send pictures of Little Bunny next.
maripoza4685: yes i'd be interested in seeing her
maripoza4685: if it is what i imagined
angiamelina: lol I think it will be
maripoza4685: if SHE is
maripoza4685: fluffy
angiamelina: She is slffy
angiamelina: fluffy lol
maripoza4685: it's been fun Amy
angiamelina: Yes, Thank you very much.
maripoza4685: btw, i will balance Chase's energy and clear out as much of the 'sluge' that i can
maripoza4685: sludge?
This was the end of our conversation. I deleted the by thread to try and make it shorter.