Can you ever let your animals know

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RandomWiktor wrote:
Just my two cents. I look at animal behavior through a very scientific lens. I firmly believe that they are intelligent, emotional, complex beings. I just believe that all species, not just humans, have unique thoughts, emotions, and world views. And I think embracing, accepting, and respectingthose differencesfor what they are and as equally valuableis more important to the human/animal bond then some an assumption that similar means identical. I've seen far too many cases of people ignoring the needs of their animal as its own species or misinterpreting its behavior by making anthropocentric assumptions about their behaviors, thoughts, and motives.
Sorry- I missed this bit :p

Yeah I totally agree with you on that. No two species are the same, of course, and if people have a pet, they should understand this from the off, otherwise, like you said, needs and behaviour can go unnoticed.

I'm not entirely sure I have met anyone who makes anthropocentric assumptions about their buns thoughts etc. I think most people (who I know anyway), don't think their bun's behaviours and motives are the same as that of a humans, because obviously their whole world is totally different- they are a prey animal to start with, and we are the 'ultimate' predator (don't particularly agree with that but its the consensus around atm), so of course any motives and behaviours are going to be opposite in some respects, but I guess there might be some people out there who don't understand that.

RandomWiktor wrote:
Just because I'm not sure I'm making my point clear and I can't go back and edit:
I'm not arguing that animals don't feel or comprehend the love of their caregiver. I just don't believe that all species have the same thoughts, values, mental representations, etc. of love as we do, since "love" in and of itself is something we largely define based on our cultural perspective & personal ideals. Humans can't nail down one universal definition of what love is, how love is expressed, what love means to others, and what it means to be loved. So I just kindof doubt that a rabbit - a species with a very different perspective of the world than us - has introspective thoughts to the tune of "my owner loves me and I know I am important to him/her because of a, b, c, and d." I would suspect it is a more general sense of having an emotional bond to that person seated in affection, trust, and benefit. It doesn't make another animal's experience of love any less valuable, just like another culture's perspective of love is no less valuable. Perhaps that makes more sense?

Yeah I have to say I agree with a lot of this. We ourselves can't even define what 'love' actually is, and many humans will argue over the meaning, and when, and how, and why people feel love, so I guess us trying to understand another species definition of it is crazy lol!

I guess when i say 'love', with my animals, I mean a very strong emotional bond, a trust, a strong feeling of family/relationship etc. It's very hard to explain, though, when I can't even define love in the first place lol :) I love them- in the way I would love a person, but the 'love' they give back is their own special one, perhaps not exactly the same as mine, but just as valuable, and just as meaningful to their species. But I do believe, like you said, that they can fully comprehend it, and return it, and it contribute to their mental wellbeing and satisfaction.

I'll give an example of people not understanding an animal's unique needs as that species, because you're right - we don't see much of it on this forum (THANKFULLY!)

As a betta board moderator, I've seen about a thousand times someone asking if they should get a "friend" for their betta because surely it must be "lonely." They don't understand the betta's behavioral and social needs as a solitary, territorial, aggressive species, and instead impose their own human social needs, in many cases resulting in a stressed at best or injured at worst fish. The anthropomorphism of thinking a betta must be "lonely" without "friends" just like us is in my opinion a very insidious form of anthropocentrism, because it completely ignores the needs of that animal and instead imposes human needs onto it - often with disasterous results.

I also feel people have gotten very out of control with this in dogs that are treated like little furry babies. I'm sure you've all seen "Oh, my widdle poochie-pie gets walked around in a stroller because him's a delicate widdle baybee!" This completely ignores the dog's biology as an active, intelligent, predatory species that would probably much rather be on the end of the leash sniffing at other dogs' scent markings, running and playing, and exploring the world around it.

Make sense?
RandomWiktor wrote:
I'll give an example of people not understanding an animal's unique needs as that species, because you're right - we don't see much of it on this forum (THANKFULLY!)

As a betta board moderator, I've seen about a thousand times someone asking if they should get a "friend" for their betta because surely it must be "lonely." They don't understand the betta's behavioral and social needs as a solitary, territorial, aggressive species, and instead impose their own human social needs, in many cases resulting in a stressed at best or injured at worst fish. The anthropomorphism of thinking a betta must be "lonely" without "friends" just like us is in my opinion a very insidious form of anthropocentrism, because it completely ignores the needs of that animal and instead imposes human needs onto it - often with disasterous results.

I also feel people have gotten very out of control with this in dogs. I'm sure you've all seen "Oh, my widdle poochie-pie gets walked around in a stroller because him's a delicate widdle baybee!" This completely ignores the dog's biology as an active, intelligent, predatory species that would probably much rather be on the end of the leash sniffing at other dogs' scent markings, running and playing, and exploring the world around it.

Make sense?

Oh yes, it most certainly makes sense.

I see exactly what you mean. I couldn't actually think of an example when you mentioned it- I was thinking more about the 'love' aspect of it- but what you've said is totally right- and common! And I personally find myself a bit disgusted when someone doesn't research/take the time to know they animal before they get it, and then essentially forcing it into an unnatural and potentially dangerous environment that it should never be exposed to.

Some people do surpress their animal's natural instincts by doing this type of thing, but you could argue that we as a species have totally surpressed a dogs' natural biology of hunting- this is what all wild dogs and large cats spend the majority of their day doing, and we have taken it away from them when we domesticated them, stopping them from chasing the pidgeons in the garden- telling them 'no' when they chase the neighbour's cat etc. etc.
Just to clarify- that isn't my true feelings for myself- I have 6 dogs, so I obviously don't feel particularly bad that I am preventing them from hunting :p, but that's just another side this story.


I think that is why behavioral enrichment for all species is important; the captive environment invariably is limiting to an animal's needs since many do not comply with human needs. Most of us don't let our dogs run around killing prey animals and wildlife, of course. But what about letting it chase a ball? What about letting it rip apart a stuffed toy? Letting it chew through a marrow bone, stalk after a flashlight beam, or manipulate and chew a food-dispensing toy. Lure coursing, herding, earthdog, and their like allow for harmless outlets for natural behaviors as well. I think the best thing you can do for a dog is do something active and enriching with it, yet I see people increasingly going in the direction of luxury beds, designer dog collars, fancy hair-do's, and handbag dog carriers. It makes me rather sad! I feel every captive creature has the right to at the very least be provided analogs for its natural behaviors.

Ok I feel like I may have derailed this topic a wee bit - my apologies to the OP! Get me on animal behavior and cognition and I'm hard to shut up :D
RandomWiktor wrote:
I think that is why behavioral enrichment for all species is important; the captive environment invariably is limiting to an animal's needs since many do not comply with human needs. Most of us don't let our dogs run around killing prey animals and wildlife, of course. But what about letting it chase a ball? What about letting it rip apart a stuffed toy? Letting it chew through a marrow bone, stalk after a flashlight beam, or manipulate and chew a food-dispensing toy. Lure coursing, herding, earthdog, and their like allow for harmless outlets for natural behaviors as well. I think the best thing you can do for a dog is do something active and enriching with it, yet I see people increasingly going in the direction of luxury beds, designer dog collars, fancy hair-do's, and handbag dog carriers. It makes me rather sad! I feel every captive creature has the right to at the very least be provided analogs for its natural behaviors.

Ok I feel like I may have derailed this topic a wee bit - my apologies to the OP! Get me on animal behavior and cognition and I'm hard to shut up :D

Again you make a very good point and put my post to shame :p.

I have to say I agree with everything you've said here. You obviously know ur stuff aout animal behaviour! Hopefully after my course and masters I'll be as knowlegdeable :)
Helen, I did give her basic information about Chase. I did tell her Chase was sick and that Chase needed to drink more water, but I never said what was wrong with her. I also told her when I got Chase and how long I have had her. She does ask for basic information regarding the animal.

I do agree with everything that has been said. Humans and animals are different. For me though, I really want to know my animals fee loved and cared for. If when I talk to the animal communicator and my animals only feel cared for, that is enough for me. I want them to be happy. I know this is a human thing.

I am hoping the animal communicator can help. Even if she just told me my animals are happy and feel like I care for them well, I will be really happy.

Tonight I paid for Chase's first section and became friends with Arlene on Yahoo IM where we will do are talking. We are just trying to find a time we are both available. I can't wait to hear what she has to say. I will update this thread. I plan to do this with each of my animals for atleast a 30 minute session and then if I want more information on a specific animal I will do more. I will update after I talk to Arlene.
kirbyultra wrote:
Do you have to tell her anything about the animal? Or just send name and picture as the info for her to go on?

I really wish I knew what was going on inside Kirby's head because he is my heart bunny. But I think actually, the most important one I need some confirmation on is Toby.

Toby seems to be a headcase. He has a lot of dwarfy attitude and he is very, very afraid of everything. I mean, everything. If it moves, smells, makes noises of any kind, he is afraid of it and he acts all nutty and frantic. I've mistaken his jumpiness for fearlessness and being wild but actually I've recently come to realize that he's actually extremely fearful. I don't know if it was ever something I did to scare him or if he was born just really fearful. I just wish I knew what I could do to make him happier. I feel like I've already done him wrong because I didn't know why he acted this way for a year. I don't want him to be mad at me or scared of me anymore. I just wish I could let him know somehow that he's safe here.
I've used her several times with different rabbits - and it has been a bit different with each rabbit. I'm about to use her again with another rabbit.

She definitely needs a picture to help her and the animal's location. It helps if she knows a bit of what you're looking for. For instance, "X is sick" or "X has behavior issues".

When she worked with Calypso and Harmony - they were at Alicia's. She explained to them what the litter box was for (they weren't doing so great) - and they started doing a better job with their litter boxes. She explained the plane trip they would be taking - about the noises, etc. so they wouldn't be scared. Harmony wanted to be awake for everything (we mentioned they could just go to sleep and sleep through it) - Calypso wanted to sleep. Sure enough - when we picked them up - Harmony was wide awake and Calypso was acting like she was just waking up.

When she worked with Zeus the first time - we discovered his fear of my rehoming him. He'd been at a shelter - gone to a home - and then went back to the shelter because of his behavior.

Earlier that week - he'd been misbehaving really badly and I locked him up in a cage. Needless to say - he felt like he was going back to the shelter and got worried.

Now some might think, "She could just be making that up..." - BUT - he described to her his first home by sending her pictures and she described them to me. It was exactly as the shelter worker had described to me - his behaviors - the way the room was set up - how it was in a sun-room with big windows, etc.

When I first heard about her - I really wanted to prove she was a fraud. So I asked her to contact Tiny and Puck - both of who are deceased.

She shared things that most people would not have known. For instance - Tiny had a ball he loved (I'd forgotten about it - till I found a picture of him with it - protecting it). She said Tiny now helps escort other rabbits across the bridge - anyone ever read my stories on him doing that? Tiny said he visits me in my dreams and mentioned a couple of specific dreams....some of which I'd never shared with anyone.

Puck described to her - down to the blanket - how he almost left us and was feeling so sick - but I put him in daddy's arms and daddy held him for hours and said, "I don't want you to go - but if you have to - we understand." He said as he laid in daddy's arms and they both gave him the will to live. He showed her pictures of me sitting on the floor with him before giving him to Art - crying and begging him to stay with us - and then of Art holding him in bed.

I do believe in animal communication now. I don't believe that everyone who claims to be an animal communicator is one...but I've used Arlene enough times to believe that she is one.
RandomWiktor wrote:
I think that is why behavioral enrichment for all species is important; the captive environment invariably is limiting to an animal's needs since many do not comply with human needs. Most of us don't let our dogs run around killing prey animals and wildlife, of course. But what about letting it chase a ball? What about letting it rip apart a stuffed toy? Letting it chew through a marrow bone, stalk after a flashlight beam, or manipulate and chew a food-dispensing toy. Lure coursing, herding, earthdog, and their like allow for harmless outlets for natural behaviors as well. I think the best thing you can do for a dog is do something active and enriching with it, yet I see people increasingly going in the direction of luxury beds, designer dog collars, fancy hair-do's, and handbag dog carriers. It makes me rather sad! I feel every captive creature has the right to at the very least be provided analogs for its natural behaviors.

Ok I feel like I may have derailed this topic a wee bit - my apologies to the OP! Get me on animal behavior and cognition and I'm hard to shut up :D

I agree here - same goes for horses that are cooped up in boarding stables, blanketed and bandaged to "protect" them and their meals coming to them 3x a day. And singleton turnout?! Yikes! Horses were not meant to be kept like that - they are herd animals that need to move and roam... interact with other horses (that includes playing, biting, working through the pecking order, eating, exploring and sticking together as the natural instinct is that the herd is stronger than one). People who own horses and don't understand why their singleton turned out horse is going ballistic or why their blanketed to the hilt horse kept in an enclosed barn because the humans are cold has pneumonia repeatedly...:banghead

I think animals communicate specific to their species...and my bunnies love getting noserubs.... even the Checkered Giants are getting better - still defensive about their space and their kits but I can understand why. The rabbits get turnout time where they can dig and stretch their legs...or explore.

I'd like to do a few sessions here with some of my critters but there are so many, I am not sure who to do first!

Great thread!

I had my first session with Arlene yesterday. It was so cool, I ended up jumping on paypal to pay her for more time because I didn't want it to end. We talked for an hour and I am going to pay for another hour to do Little Bunny even though Little Bunny jumped in last night. I hadn't sent Arlene pictures of Little Bunny yet as it was suppose to just be Chase. But when Chase started to talk about the Little Bunny and how Chase didn't want to live with her and felt she was a nuisance like a little sister. Little Bunny jumped in and said she didn't want to live with Chase either. Arlene asked me if Little Bunny is fluffy and white. Which she is. There seems to be a lot of jeolousy between the rabbits. Chase thinks she is princess and is a little diva. Arlene told me Little Bunny is ornery and she so is. I told Arlene Chase was ill but didn't state what was wrong. Arlene knew it was in the abdomen area and that her urinary tract was sluggish.

I thought about posting my sessions here for people to read. I think this is a great thing for humans and animals to help communicate. The conversation is a little hard to follow at times because Arlene was going way faster then I could keep up lol and I was typing so fast I was spelling things wrong.

Anyone who is thinking of doing it really should. I learned a lot and can't wait for my next session. It was also really cool to hear her describe your rabbit in a way you would describe them. I always thought Chase was a diva but to hear Arlene say it and then for Chase to tell her she was the good rabbit.

I wouldn't be voilating any board rules if I posted a copy of the conversation, would I?
That is awesome, Amy! I am glad you had a good session. I think if you have Arlene's permission, then you can post the conversation here. I'd really love to see it.

I am thinking about doing a session with Jenson (aka Sheriff the foster bun). I just want to find out what is inside his mind, as he is a hard bunny to read. I'd like him to know what is going on in his life and let him know that he can calm down and relax here. I just want to know what HE wants!

I also really want to do a session with Marlin, since he is very reserved, hates toys of all kinds, hates playing outside of his cage, will grunt at me, I just want to know what HE wants as well.

Hrm....I really can't afford it, but I am thinking about putting the session with Jenson on the "animal" credit card and paying it off over the next few months ($15 min. payment fee per month). I'd try a 30 minute session, but if I need more time then I'll see about doing the 60 minute session. I just think it will really help figure out what is going on in his mind. I'd love to do Marlin's session soon, but I shouldn't put $120 (two 60 min sessions) on the credit card.
undergunfire wrote:
I am thinking about doing a session with Jenson (aka Sheriff the foster bun). I just want to find out what is inside his mind, as he is a hard bunny to read. I'd like him to know what is going on in his life and let him know that he can calm down and relax here. I just want to know what HE wants!
I've been meaning to talk to you about that. Didn't know if you'd feel comfortable doing it....but I thought it might help.

Look for a pm.
I don't know whether to believe in animal communicators or not but I do firmly believe that animals can feel our love and regard for them. I remember Ewok, my hamster, being really old and frail and when I found him one day on death's door, my sister started crying and crying and asking him not to die. He was so cold and I warmed a rice sock for him but he could barely lift his head and was so weak. We were all bawling our eyes out and my mom finally said we have to tell him goodbye and that he can rest. She said it was unfair to ask him to stay when he was hurting so bad. We finally all said our goodbyes and told him to rest and that we would be ok. He was gone in a minute. Crap! Now I'm bawling all over again. He was a rescue and he showed his gratitude every single day. I miss that little guy so much.

Amy, that sounds really cool. I am so glad you got a lot out of it. I would really love if you posted the conversation if you are comfortable. You're not advertising for her, so I don't think that it's really a violation... That's just my opinion!

I am more and more interested in doing this for Penny. She's my new bunny and I have these feelings about her... I don't want to put her through a whole bunch of medication if it's not what she needs. And Toby, my headcase of a bun. Sigh. if only I knew what they were thinking, what they were feeling, I would know what to do. I read your feelings about Arlene in a thread a while ago started by undergunfire too, Peg! It really sounds like the real deal. I'm not one to usually believe in this stuff, but who's to say what is possible in this world...

So, did you feel weird at all doing this over the internet? It was like a chat session right?
Helen, I wasn't convinced that Arlene could really talk to the animals either or really that anyone could. But I went into it with an open mind. After talking with her I know without a doubt she could. She was correct about so many things that she couldn't have known.

I thought doing it over the internet would be weird but it wasn't at all. I actually like that I could save the conversations. I used Yahoo Instant Messenger for my session but I think Arlene has another messenger she uses also.

I am going to email Arlene to let make sure it is okay with her if I post our session.
I know Arlene well enough to know she'd be ok with me posting this - especially if it will help others. (I will be emailing her anyway).

This was the first time we worked with Zeus. I had "tested" her with Tiny and Puck (who had passed away) and when she gave information few people knew - I realized she might be the real thing.

Since she and I have worked with Zeus - she continues to point out things that she should not know unless he told her...sometimes things I don't post on the forum.

When she talks in here about three does being too much for him - she had no way of knowing he had lived with three does as I'd never given her that number (which is what he had for a harem in the garage).

You are coming into the conversation part way and there is stuff I'm not sharing at the end because it is just personal between Arlene & I.

As you read this - I had paid for Zeus' first session and told him that Arlene would be talking to him - and sent her some photos - of when he first got here and then of various times since he'd lived here. I didn't tell her much about him.

Oh - I had just gotten Sophia and Athena a few days earlier and moved their cage into our bedroom so they could stay cool. Zeus had already been living in the bedroom alone for a while..

me: I was trying to love on Zeus and make up to him for his awful horrible day

Arlene: he's really been on my mind today9:50 PMwhat happened?

me: oh a bad way or a good way?

Arlene: something with another bunny?

me: I moved my two flemmie does into the bedroom in a large dog kennelhe kept bothering them last night and sticking his nose in their cage and getting them fighting

Arlene: they got after him?

me: no - not at allbut we did the unthinkable todaywe caged himso they could get some playtime and stretch their legs

Arlene: oh MOM!9:51 PMput him in jail

me: I know - he won't even eat his bannaa

Arlene: i had an image of him pouting

me: but he did let me love on him

Arlene: that's why

me: oh he ever poutingI just told him that I would take the girls to another room from now on for their playtimes

Arlene: yeah i think he was trying to talk with ME today but i was too distracted to hear him well.

me: but they had to keep their cage in his room for now

Arlene: he can be a stinker though9:52 PM

me: I went to get him a bit ago and say, "Lets go back to the bedroom" and he went running back for the cage (he'd been allowed out to free roam in that room) and flicked me off in anger the whole wayso I had to get Robin to get him as I couldn't reach him way in back in the cage

Arlene: ROFL

me: but yeah - he's refusing his absolute favorite treat right now9:53 PM

Arlene: want me to see if i can help him?

me: on top of that - the girls are standing up in their cage begging to see if I'll let them back out tonight...sure

Arlene: i got the feeling he really wanted to vent today

me: he was really really REALLY upsethe hasn't been caged in....a long time9:54 PM

Arlene: he thinks he should always have his way

me: and if he was in a cage it would be because he'd hop in and then out whenever he wanted

Arlene: mom is very mad at me

me: I was mad at him for getting the girls fighting - but not really madjust tired cause I couldn't sleep

Arlene: once he calmed down he started feeling sadhe's very penitent now9:55 PMlike he doesn't deserve his fav treat

me: oh man...

Arlene: says he's too upset to eati reminded him that he was the one who instigated it9:56 PMhe put his head down between his paws and his ears went down

me: tell him I gave him his treat partly to say I"m sorry for letting him stay caged so long...I never meant to leave him caged that long

Arlene: his feelings are definitely hurthe doesnt get over things well anyway does he?9:57 PM

me: not really

Arlene: he's not upset, but more reserved than the other 2maybe it's just how he is feeling tonite

me: sorta - the other two are 4 months old and just got here a few days ago and are learning what it means to have free time and play9:58 PM

Arlene: no i meant the ones we talked to the other night

me: ah..yes very much so

Arlene: he's much higher maintenance

me: he was in a shelter for over a year and a half

Arlene: not as easy to understand

me: and in one home and then returned to the shelter

Arlene: yes he's got the shelter attitude

me: The thing is - I adopted him because it seemed the "right" thing to do - and I took good care of him

Arlene: he's kind of defensive9:59 PM

me: but in the last month - I've grown to LOVE himI love him as much as I loved Tiny - even if it is in a different way

Arlene: he's still waiting for the other shoe to drop in a waywe love them each differently

me: he's always going to live herewe will never send him back to the shelter

Arlene: i'm trying to reassure him of that10:00 PMdo bunnies sigh?

me: and if he wants to - he can even always live in the bedroomyesthey do

Arlene: because he didjust then

me: Art even loves himand likes it when he naps next to Art

Arlene: he's got lots of character that's for sure

me: I just feel like he's unhappyhe used to live with girls and I thought he liked them..but then he started attacking themlike he was grumpy and upset10:01 PMI wasn't sure if he was sick

Arlene: he has a hard time sharinghe seems like a confirmed bachelor set in his ways10:02 PM

me: does he like living in the bedroom now?

Arlene: i was studying the picsi can see a big difference between the first day and nowhe likes being near youboth of youhe said not to forget daddy10:03 PM

me: so he's ok without a girl then..

Arlene: he said 3 were just too much

me: what difference do you see?

Arlene: he's 'brighter'more confidentmore independentmaybe that's not exactly it10:04 PM

me: sometimes he seems more sure of himselfbut I thought it was my imagination

Arlene: no i don't believe soit's subtle10:05 PMcoming in small increments

me: does he know I love him?

Arlene: he's still a bit uncertain if he really belongs thereyes he doeshe's sorry he made you angryhe's afraid that you will stop loving him10:06 PMit's in the back of his
mindhe's not paralyzed by fear

me: can you tell him I will never ever stop loving him?

Arlene: he sighed again

me: and he makes me so happyhe sleeps beside me sometimes and I wake up and smile cause I know he loves me and I love him

Arlene: he's showing me where he was before i believeand that they loved him at first too10:07 PMit looks like a big sunroomglass windows big ones

me: oh my....and then he would fight with the they rehomed him

Arlene: he disappointed them he says

me: I remember that now - he lived in a sunroom with three other was his bondmate and then there was another pair10:08 PMhe and his bond mate would go pee by the they got rehomed

Arlene: really? wow

me: and then she died shortly afterwardsat the shelter

Arlene: i always surprise myself LOL

me: Can you please tell him that they didn't know what love meant?

Arlene: beat you to it

me: that love means I'm committed to keeping him and loving him whether he's good or bad...

Arlene: i told him some humans just can't appreciate bunnies they way they should10:09 PMhe agreedto him, no one will ever be like his bondmatehe has her on a pedestal

me: that is why he hasn't really bonded closely with anyone else

Arlene: that's why the other girls didn't work with himthey were not herdisappointing he says

me: is he ok with me as his bondmate (knowing he has to share me with Art)10:10 PM

Arlene: that doesn't bother himhe knows that you two are togetherand that he can have attention from both of you, not be left out

Some of the later part of the conversation dealt with his health...and as it turns out he does have a TINY bit of arthritis starting - it isn't bad yet but I do keep an eye on him.

This is what a session is like.

I had another session recently which I will just share a bit of. I knew Zeus had eaten a LOT of stuffing from my mattress and I was worried about him. I asked Arlene to see if he was ill - but not telling her what I knew. She then said, "On my first scan of him - I got an image of a stuffed rabbit...and it feels especially stuffed in this spot and about this size."

It was what I had felt also.

Zeus didn't want to be messed with - and in fact - even though he usually likes Arlene - he didn't want to talk to her.

It took her explaining to him that what he'd done was VERY serious and that he might leave for the bridge if he didn't let me help him - to get him to work with us. He said, "I'm not ready to go yet."

We worked with him to figure out what he would eat...and stressed the importance of him working with me to get over this.

He was a real trooper. But I found it so interesting that she could pinpoint exactly where he was "stuffed"...without me saying a thing.

BTW - Arlene always encourages folks to go to a vet if their animal is ill.


Arlene gave m the okay to post my session. Angiamelina is me and maripoza4685 is Arlene. So here it is:

angiamelina: Chase and I had this big conversation about how she needs to talk to you. lol

angiamelina: I kept telling her she needs to tell Arlene what she is feeling.

maripoza4685: she does

maripoza4685: she definitely knew i was coming

maripoza4685: i explained it to her last night

maripoza4685: she seems to like me

angiamelina: I tried to prepare her to be open. Even though I didn't know if she would understand.

maripoza4685: even though she may seem standofish to others

angiamelina: Chase is a loving bun. It doesn't suprise me she is open. She really is my baby.

maripoza4685: she understands at least that this is important to you

angiamelina: She is standoffish to others. She doesn't like strangers.

angiamelina: ahhh that she understands it is important to me. It really is and I really do want her to communicate with you.

maripoza4685: yes i could feel that

maripoza4685: she will

maripoza4685: she already told me that I am 'different'

maripoza4685: shes not wrong there, huh? ;)

maripoza4685: animals often tell me that

angiamelina: lol probably not. But there is nothing wrong with that.

maripoza4685: i have to warn you though, my husband cut grass and i have a bad headache

maripoza4685: allergies...

angiamelina: I am sorry. That isn't good. I understand allergies.

maripoza4685: it will be ok

angiamelina: Are you sure? I know you said this wears you out?

maripoza4685: it's ok

maripoza4685: i don't dare disappoint Chase or she might change her mind

angiamelina: lol It is funny. I am watching her to see how she reacts.

maripoza4685: she may react or not

maripoza4685: usually animals come closer

maripoza4685: i'm like a transmitter too

angiamelina: She doesn't appear to be. She was eating hay and just stopped and laid down on the floor to relax.

maripoza4685: when you ask a question they 'hear' you

angiamelina: Do they understand though?

maripoza4685: when i perceive the question

maripoza4685: they 'hear' what you are asking

maripoza4685: make sense?

maripoza4685: it's like i'm broadcasting it to them

angiamelina: Yes, that does make sense.

maripoza4685: this is one reason why i like to do sessions thru IM because i noticed that many times the animals skip me altogether and answer their person's question directly

maripoza4685: i'm perfectly happy to be a channel

maripoza4685: but this doesn't work any other way

angiamelina: Really? I wish I could hear those answers lol I ask them every day what thye did while I was at work and of course get no answer. I always so, oh you don't want to talk about it lol

maripoza4685: i have learned that the email summaries i do feel 'onesided'

angiamelina: Yeah, I couldn't imagine doing this via email.

maripoza4685: does she turn her back when she doesn't want to listen?

angiamelina: Yes lol

maripoza4685: i figured

maripoza4685: i got an image of her doing that

maripoza4685: or she pretends not t be listening

angiamelina: She does that to me a lot. Because she is so opinionated!

maripoza4685: uh huh, Chase, i've got your number

maripoza4685: yes she is

maripoza4685: but she does love you

angiamelina: Oh yes she likes to just ignore me.

maripoza4685: very strong personality

angiamelina: Ahh I love her tons too!

maripoza4685: feels like she is teasing you

maripoza4685: she likes to get a reaction out of you

angiamelina: She does have a strong personality. Stronger then any of my animals.

maripoza4685: i told her she was a naughty girl teasing mommy

maripoza4685: even though she is small, her presence is huge

angiamelina: I can agree with that too. She grunts at me in the morning because I feed little bunny first. I know she is doing just for my reaction lol

maripoza4685: that's one thing i noticed right away

maripoza4685: ha ha ha

maripoza4685: got that right

angiamelina: She does tease me and give me a hard time. But I love every minute of it.

maripoza4685: i realized i didn't have your questions in front of e

maripoza4685: me

maripoza4685: i type way too fast especially when i am doing this

angiamelina: That is okay. I can ask them here if you would like me too.

maripoza4685: i can hardly keep up!

angiamelina: lol

maripoza4685: let's see

maripoza4685: i know you asked about her health...

maripoza4685: she insists she is fine

maripoza4685: but she's very stoic

angiamelina: Yes, I need her to drink more water.

angiamelina: For her to get better

maripoza4685: i took a peak inside, the scan I told you about?

angiamelina: yes

maripoza4685: i got an image of a crossword puzzle

maripoza4685: put together

angiamelina: What does that mean?

maripoza4685: maybe like lots of pieces of her put together?

maripoza4685: it was an odd image

maripoza4685: but i've learned to blurt out anything i see

maripoza4685: her surgeries?

angiamelina: Yes, she has had 2 surgeries from her illness.

maripoza4685: ok that's probably it

angiamelina: Does she feel okay now?

maripoza4685: she insists that she does and why are you bothering to ask?

maripoza4685: she definitely has a 'rabbittude'

angiamelina: lol Because the vet days she is very sick. That lets me know to keep fighting. It really sent chills through me.

maripoza4685: chills?

maripoza4685: Chase is nowhere near giving up

angiamelina: Oh yes she does lol one of the reasons I love her so much is because of her rabbittude.

maripoza4685: she will be fighting all the way

maripoza4685: i scanned her energy points

angiamelina: I was afraid may be she had given up. So to hear she hasn't. Gives me a lot of hapiness for everything we have gone through.

maripoza4685: do you understand what that is?

maripoza4685: definitely not given up

angiamelina: No, I don't think I do.

maripoza4685: energy flows thru everything and there are certain points in the body that are the 'source' of that energy

maripoza4685: for instance, the energy center in her throat was not open all the way the energy was stagnant

maripoza4685: to me that means that she is having a hard time expressing herself

maripoza4685: on another level, it tells me that she literally has a dry throat

angiamelina: I do hear her express her self a lot through grunting and thumping. But may be not as much as she would like.

angiamelina: She probably has a fry throat because she never ever drinks water.

angiamelina: Which makes her illness worse.

angiamelina: I meant dry throat not fry lol

maripoza4685: it more likely means she has a hard time saying what she feels

maripoza4685: got it....aaakkk! my bad timing is contagious!

maripoza4685: typing........grrr

maripoza4685: typing!

angiamelina: Can you tell her it is okay to let me know how she feels? That I want her to tell me.

maripoza4685: she sighed and said she will try harder

maripoza4685: it's not that she doesn't want you to know, it's just hard for her

angiamelina: lol that would be my Chase to sigh lol

maripoza4685: she sees it as showing weakness

maripoza4685: when she complains

maripoza4685: or tells you about something that may be wrong with her

maripoza4685: i don't know if she will change because it's in her basic personality to be that wya

angiamelina: Oh she will never be a weakness. She has fought so hard to be here. Over a year ago 2 vets told me to put her to sleep. I will never think she is a weakness.

maripoza4685: way

maripoza4685: of course we don't think so, it's her unrealistic expectations of herself

angiamelina: I can deal with that. I will just have to keep taking her to vet for check ups. Can you let her know when I do that I will never leave her. Sher gets so upset going to the vet. I am always there right beside her fighting.

maripoza4685: she puffed out her chest when you said how strong she was

maripoza4685: she knows you support her

maripoza4685: you 'fight' together

angiamelina: lol she is my strong one. She had been through a lot. But she is still fighting and loving life.

maripoza4685: ging back to energy centers...

maripoza4685: the other blockage is in her abdomen

angiamelina: I will fight with her forever. That made me tear up. She will always be my baby and I will never give up on her.

maripoza4685: it's darker there, heavier

angiamelina: A blockage in her bladder.

maripoza4685: not necessarily

maripoza4685: i can't be that specific

maripoza4685: i can't give you any diagnosis

maripoza4685: but it's possible

maripoza4685: her whole urinary system seems sluggish

angiamelina: I understand, that is the diagnosis the vet has given. Please let her know I will fight foever for her and how much I love her.

maripoza4685: something is too small?

maripoza4685: or constricted?

maripoza4685: things just don't work right there

angiamelina: It is sluggish, which is the reason she needs to drink more. It is constricted due to calcium build up.

maripoza4685: oh ok

maripoza4685: that's why i see an image of a tube coated inside in white

angiamelina: Yes, the calcium is white.

maripoza4685: see what i mean about interpreting things?

maripoza4685: she's not happy we are talking about this

angiamelina: Yes, I do. And I have no idea how you do it lol

maripoza4685: she wants to ignore it

angiamelina: Why?

angiamelina: She feels it is hard to talk about it?

maripoza4685: Chase says that thats how she's gotten this far, how she has survived by not letting it be real

angiamelina: She went from laying on the floor to hiding under the couch.

maripoza4685: yes i could feel her upset

maripoza4685: sorry Chase!

maripoza4685: maybe she thinks i am exposing all her secrets

maripoza4685: i assured her that her secrets were safe with us

angiamelina: She has. She has faught this until she was so sick she had to have emergency surgery. But she has got to let me know sooner so I can help her. She has to drink more water.

maripoza4685: did she poke her head back out?

angiamelina: No lol she is hiding from me.

maripoza4685: she's somehow associated water with what is wrong with her

maripoza4685: i tried to explain that the water is what makes things work properly

maripoza4685: she also associates drinking with peeing

angiamelina: Thank you. I have tried so hard to get her to drink some but she just won't.

maripoza4685: and that hurts so water hurts

angiamelina: Ahhh my poor girl. But the medicene she is taking will make her pee. It is Lasix.

maripoza4685: i'm getting an image of you giving her a popcicle?

maripoza4685: yes i am very familiar with Lasix

angiamelina: lol Not a popcicle but crasins.

maripoza4685: ice?

angiamelina: That is what she is on right now.

angiamelina: No ice.

maripoza4685: would she lick ice cubes?

angiamelina: I have actually never tried. I will have to try that. She hated the snow I tried to get her to lick lol

maripoza4685: ugh

maripoza4685: maybe not then

maripoza4685: she doesn't have to put her feet in the ice like in the snow

angiamelina: lol I think she was upset about the snow because I said "here" which usually means a treat and then I had this stupid container full of snow lol

maripoza4685: i may be WAY off with this, but if you put veggies in water would she 'fish' them out?

angiamelina: I have never tried. I will have to try that.

maripoza4685: ha ha ha that could be...snow would be a real let down

maripoza4685: i 'see' her liking this

angiamelina: Yeah she was not at all happy with me lol

maripoza4685: miss little Princess

angiamelina: I will try it. I know I use to have a container that grew cilantor and she loved eating it.

angiamelina: OMG is she a Princess lol

maripoza4685: i saw her little tiara

maripoza4685: symbolic i guess

angiamelina: lol that does not surprise me. She acts like a princess 24-7 lol

maripoza4685: she's amusing

maripoza4685: has a lot of personality

angiamelina: She does have a lot of personality.

angiamelina: How does she feel about Little Bunny?

maripoza4685: oh gosh i just looked at the time! we started at 7

maripoza4685: don't worry, lets finish that question at least.

angiamelina: OMG, time has gone fast! okay. I can get online now and pay for another half hour.

angiamelina: If you are okay with doing an hour?

maripoza4685: i'm not worried about it!

maripoza4685: if you wish

maripoza4685: i'm going to continue anyway

maripoza4685: she sees Little Bunny as a nuisance now, like a little sister that bugs her

angiamelina: Well, I want to pay you for an hour as there are other questions I have to ask if you are okay with it. I will get online and pay now.

maripoza4685: ok

maripoza4685: as you wish

maripoza4685: i never know how long these will go

maripoza4685: it depends entirely upon what the animal wants to tell me

angiamelina: lol I kind of got that feeling Little Bunny is a nuisance. Does Chase want to live wtih her again or is she happy by herself?

maripoza4685: she's not sure she wants to live with anyone

maripoza4685: she feels more 'special'

angiamelina: lol that sounds like her

maripoza4685: when she has her own cage

maripoza4685: she wants to tell you that its not that she dislikes her, she just doesn't want to be bothered

maripoza4685: i asked if she could just ignore her rather than being difficult and she simply said, No i don't want to

maripoza4685: is little bunny white?

angiamelina: They were bonded for years before Chase's surgeries. lol may be they are just happier apart.

angiamelina: Yes, Little Bunny is white.

maripoza4685: there is a little one here pouting

maripoza4685: it's probably her

maripoza4685: this happens a lot as well

angiamelina: lol yes she seems to be the outer lol

maripoza4685: others 'jump' in

maripoza4685: they have completely different personalities

angiamelina: That is true. A lot of times I will try to giver Chase attention and a cat will jump in.

maripoza4685: LB wants to please

angiamelina: They do have different personalities.

angiamelina: Yes, she does. But she is mean bunny lol

maripoza4685: no i meant literally, jump into the session

maripoza4685: she is saying FINE! I don't want to live with her either! so there!

maripoza4685: she's apparently been listening

maripoza4685: Little Bunny isn't little is she?

angiamelina: lol. I do kind of get they may not want to live together. But would they want to have free time out together?

angiamelina: lol Little Bunny was little when I got her but no, she isn't anymore lol

maripoza4685: Chase said that's ok with her to have playtimes together

maripoza4685: in fact, LB is quite 'fluffy'

angiamelina: OMG, yes she is!

maripoza4685: LB is mad now

angiamelina: lol she gets mad easily lol

maripoza4685: she doesn't want to be around Chase at all

maripoza4685: i can tell!

angiamelina: I kind of thouth that. But wasn't sure. Because they lived together for years.

maripoza4685: Chase is opioniated and strong, but LB is just plain ornergy

angiamelina: lol Little Bunny is so dang ornergy lol

maripoza4685: she is stomping her feet!

maripoza4685: opps!

maripoza4685: i hope i didn't insult her!

angiamelina: Have you connected with LB? I am suprised. She is so dang stubborn!

maripoza4685: i told her that I was 'fluffy' too

maripoza4685: yes she's here

angiamelina: She stomps her feet, grunts, and boxes often lol I think you are okay!

maripoza4685: she chimed in when Chase was talking about not wanting to live with her

maripoza4685: she was listening before

angiamelina: lol she is crabby, but I love her too lol

maripoza4685: but hearing that, she couldn't hold back any longer

angiamelina: lol she is a mean little thing, She is next lol

maripoza4685: if she will talk with me now

angiamelina: I paid you for an additional 30 minutes.

maripoza4685: oh! and she is angry because you didn't talk with her first

maripoza4685: i'm getting the 'you always loved her better!' rabbitude

maripoza4685: ouch!

angiamelina: Oh, well hmmmmm she is my baby too. But she tends to grunt and box me so I don't spend as much time with her. I think she hates it when I spend time with her.

maripoza4685: we love them no matter how difficult

maripoza4685: we are their guardians

angiamelina: Wow, really! I can't say she is wrong. Chase has always been the sick one. But I don't want LB to think that. Right after you said that, she started throwing around a box in her cage.

maripoza4685: Chase won't talk now that LB is here

angiamelina: wow, sounds like there is some issues between them two. Which I kind of thought.

maripoza4685: i tried to tell her that you loved her just as much

maripoza4685: but she snorted at me

angiamelina: lol That is Chase, she loves to snort lol

maripoza4685: no that was LB

maripoza4685: and she swears like a sailor

angiamelina: I think Chase has an issue that I always feed little bunny first.

angiamelina: lol I can imagine LB swears like a sailor. She is a mean little thing. I am surprised she just snorted and didn't box lol

maripoza4685: they are simply steeped in sibling rivalry

maripoza4685: i'm not sure she can listen

maripoza4685: Chase i mean

angiamelina: I have kind of gotten that. But not sure how to fix it. I always have to feed one bunny first, and they can see each other.

maripoza4685: when i tried to ask her about being upset about LB being fed first

angiamelina: lol Chase not listening sounds like the princess syndrome lol

maripoza4685: she wouldn't comment

maripoza4685: uh huh

maripoza4685: it does to me too

maripoza4685: any other questions

maripoza4685: i honestly don't know how you could have had a session without both of them here

maripoza4685: now chase is saying 'i'm the GOOD one' LOL

angiamelina: lol Chase is near me and I told her she needed to talk to Arlene, not sure if that will help. lol

angiamelina: Chase can somtimes be the good one lol but not always lol

maripoza4685: in her humble opinion she is always

maripoza4685: any more questions?

maripoza4685: i need to go in a min

angiamelina: I am okay with always thinking that. Which is probably gave her princess syndrome lol

angiamelina: Okay 2 more questions. Why won't chase use the litter box

maripoza4685: ok

maripoza4685: it has to do with the water thing

angiamelina: and why sometimes she will let me pet her for hours and other time shse will run from me like hse is scared.

angiamelina: Ahhh okay, that makes sense.

maripoza4685: she's associating the litter box with the water

maripoza4685: she doesn't mean to hurt your feelings but sometimes she needs petting and other times she doesn't want it

angiamelina: Okay, that is understandable.

maripoza4685: it may seem like she is afraid but she's only 'afraid' that you will pet her anyway

maripoza4685: she's a moody princess

maripoza4685: little Diva

angiamelina: Okay, then I will back off when she seems like that. OMG she is so a diva!

maripoza4685: evreything in her time when SHEwants it

angiamelina: lol she does.

maripoza4685: yep

angiamelina: Okay one more quesiton. Is she okay with going to the vet.

angiamelina: She always seems so scared and they are just there to help her.

maripoza4685: it's not her favorite thing to do

angiamelina: Does she know I will always bring her home. I would never leave her.

maripoza4685: she knows they are trying to help but does not like how they smell

maripoza4685: she knows you are there for her

angiamelina: lol they do kind of smell like bleach lol

angiamelina: Okay good!

maripoza4685: i'm not sure what she means but she is wrinkling up her nose

maripoza4685: eww!

maripoza4685: she has me in stitches

angiamelina: lol she is back laying on the floor with her ears high like she is listening to something

maripoza4685: no doubt

angiamelina: lol it might be the meds. She thinks they are yucky.

maripoza4685: i dont blame her there

maripoza4685: lots of animals tell me that

angiamelina: I am sure.

maripoza4685: i hate to do it, but i need to end the session

maripoza4685: Ghost Whisperers is on

angiamelina: That is okay. I will pay online and send pictures of Little Bunny next.

maripoza4685: yes i'd be interested in seeing her

maripoza4685: if it is what i imagined

angiamelina: lol I think it will be

maripoza4685: if SHE is

maripoza4685: fluffy

angiamelina: She is slffy

angiamelina: fluffy lol

maripoza4685: it's been fun Amy

angiamelina: Yes, Thank you very much.

maripoza4685: btw, i will balance Chase's energy and clear out as much of the 'sluge' that i can

maripoza4685: sludge?

This was the end of our conversation. I deleted the by thread to try and make it shorter.
I don't have time to read Peg or Amy's sessions because I'm skyping with Alicia (will do it later) :)...but I wanted to let you all know that Arlene got back to me and will be able to do a session with us soon!

She said that at first glance at Jenson's picture he thinks the name "Sheriff" is yucky (his exact words!) and likes the name Jenson. Arlene also said that he is a very angry bunny boy.

So....hopefully she can get back to us soon so we can help Jenson to not be so angry ;).
Hmmm... makes me think that I might want to find out about whether or not bonding Ellie into my trio is even possible because of personality conflicts caused by Callie. I am going to have to seriously think about scrapping a few bucks together to get some answers. ;)

Thanks for posting the reading, Amy.

Janet I also am very tempted because I think it would help with bonding the boys. I just can't spend that money on it when there is other things it can be spent on.

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