When you first mentioned polysporin I was thinking it was one of the ointments with iodine in it- but its not so thats why I said as long as its iodine based. Iodine based antibacterial ointments are non toxic if ingested and a lot of people do use them but if the skin is broken- they aren't good because they kill bacteria but also kill the tissue at the same time so the wound won't heal. Same with hydrogen peroxide. With the polysporin the ledicane might not be good if rabbit ingests it- because they say not to use it on cats.
I just read this sore hocks post on another forum- there's lots of photos of feet ranging from slight bald patches to sores-- lots of suggestions of what to do -- maybe you would find something there. http://forums.rabbitrehome.org.uk/s...nt-feet-(/page4&highlight=sore+hocks+ointment
I just read this sore hocks post on another forum- there's lots of photos of feet ranging from slight bald patches to sores-- lots of suggestions of what to do -- maybe you would find something there. http://forums.rabbitrehome.org.uk/s...nt-feet-(/page4&highlight=sore+hocks+ointment