Believe it or not our house got infested with fleas and all we had was 2 dwarf rabbits. Fleas could be in the hay you buy. Fleas could be on the ground outside and you can bring them in the house on your pants legs when you walk in your house. So it doesn’t matter if rabbits go outside or not, they can still get fleas. We had to take rabbits to some one else house and take everything outside that belongs to rabbits. Then we flea fogged the house and vacuumed several times and mopped with bleach and water several times. We had to take dwarf rabbits to vet for flea meds which was kitten Revolution 2-5 pounds and the vet didn’t use the entire tube because rabbits didn’t need the entire tube. But kitten revolution flea meds on the back sort of near the neck got rid of their fleas infestation. Those poor rabbits were packed with fleas. They’re fine now. But do not use flea foggers while pets are in the house if you ever get fleas in the home. They will need to go outside the home and don’t leave their food toys etc in the house because the poison spray will be on everything. But do wash their bedding etc to get fleas from off it. So yes take rabbit out side for air they will love it. Don’t let fleas stop you. Why not just put the kitten revolution flea meds on rabbits now just like we do for cats and dogs. I actually bought this prescription meds online from a Canada website because you don’t need a prescription from Canada websites. I bought the regular kind of revolution for kittens 2-5 pounds from
If you are unsure of what to do then just call your vet and ask them for flea meds for rabbits and they can show you how to use it and sell you the meds too. Since I know what to do now I’m not paying a vet again all that money for some darn fleas and their overpriced meds. And they had the nerve to use the generic brand of revolution too. Meds last for 3 months in the rabbits system. Oh well Good day!