can lucy have more kale tonight

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Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2005
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NEWCASTLE, , United Kingdom
lucy is nearly 9 monrgs old now

ive given her some kale at about 4/oopm can she have somemore tonight as i dont want her to have diarorrea

as she hasmt been getting her supply of veggies

varna xxxx

I don't think she would get diarrhea from not getting enough veggies, as long as she has pellets, she will be fine.

If you are concerned, just wait until tomorrow to give her more kale.
Yeah i agree she shouldnt get diareha from eatingtoo little veggies, but try not to give too much kale at once, becauselike spinach, large amounts can be toxic.
Remember the everything in moderation rule, Varna. :)

She'll love it, but as Kfonz said, don't give a bunch to her at a time.

Hi varna!

If I understand correctly...

Lucy has not been getting veggies, and now you don't want to give her too much kale and cause her to get diarhea.


How long has she gone without veggies?

If it's only been a couple of days I would just give her the daily amount you normally do.

If it's been longer I would give a little each day and graduallyincreaseuntil it's back to what you give her normally.

:~) Jim
Kale and spinach are high in oxalates and can betoxic when given regularly....some veggies I would recommend areparsley, cilantro, romaine, dandelion greens....Cosmo's favorite isbasil!

That's true about parsley being high in calcium,but I got my junior rabbit (6 months and under) parsley because calciumis good for young rabbits....I'll cut down on that though and increasethe cilantro when he's older...cilantro is low in calcium and good..andhe loves it! But about the Kale....I don't know if 2 times aweek would be too much or not...just watch him regularly and observeany changed behavior!

Good luck
