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Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2005
Reaction score
NEWCASTLE, , United Kingdom
hi all

as you;s have probebly seen

from my last post ive got a problem with husband

feeding lucy cabbage and kale

is it ok for her to eat say

parsley corriander and say mint every day

not all in one go

but a handful

varna xxxx

as hubby is driving me to dispair
Hi Varna,

Our vet who is very "rabbit savy" says it's ok to give your rabbits veggies twice a day.

We give our babies (4 of them) kale, dandelion leaves, dill, parsleyboth plain & curly, carrot tops, collards. Sometimesthey will eat mint. basil, oregano.The vet says it's good togive a variety, because like humans they don't want to eat the samefood every day.

I come from the south, and mint leaves grow wildlike you give them just the mint leaves, or can you give themthe stems too?
Yes herbs can be fed everyday. I give Pepsicilantro or parsley every day switiching from one bundle one week tothe other. I've gone through so much parsley I've decided to buy aplant and grow my own. Full of nutrients:D

I tried to grow mint from seeds.. but it never really got anywhere thendied. I'm going to try to grow from a plant this year. I'm guessing youcan give the mint with the leaves and stems.
Mint needs A LOT of water..ours grew wildunderneath a water faucet outside, you need it in a place where it'sgoing to get a lot of water. :)
Oh ok thanks for the tip! I was just going tokeep it in a pot.. would that be ok? Also I've heard it's quickspreading and I don't want a yard full of mint!:)
Giving herbs daily is fine. Devon and Amber usually get mint everyday.
Mint DOES spred fast, having it in a pot shouldbe ok, but like I said..they LOVE water. So, maybe keep it somewherewhere it can get a lot of water.

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