Can i put my rabbits together?

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Sep 8, 2009
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I have 3 does i have a cage thats almost 2 feet long in my room.

Can i put them together in it?

I have penny thats about 6 years,Kiwi about3-4 and Raven 4-5.

All about the same size.

Will they fight? Should i just try it?
They may fight... I think the Lagomorph library has Articles on bonding. It might help if they are all spayed but they may fight for space. Watch them closely when you put them together. Try neutral territory first to reduce fighting. Don't leave them alone until you are suuuure they will be ok together. It might take time :)
good luck!

What are the other dimensions of the cage? 2 feet is not very big. I would not put any rabbit in a cage with that as the largest side. Unless it is really long, I would not put 2 rabbits in it. If you could just let them run around your room (after you rabbit proof it) it would be better.

Are they spayed? Intact rabbits can fight over territory or just because they don't like each other or are in a space that is too small. They can fight even if they are spayed.

You can try it, but you need to be there in case something happens. Do not leave them, even for a second as a fight can break out in an instant. Neutral territory and places to hide (with 2 entrances) and things to do can make it go smoother.

I would avoid putting them in a cage together until they are closer to being bonded.
Its really wide

Ok so i let them all loose togther in my room only one of my females growled and humped the others head and then they were all fine.

So i put them all together about 2 hours ago and right now they are all sleeping on a blanket together :)

maybe they get along better because they are all older and lazy LOL
Do you have them in that cage? How wide is it exactly?

I don't think three rabbits should be in it...I would only have one in a cage that size. A cage should be big enough for rabbits lie stretched out any way, and stand up on their hind feet in.

Could you supply us with a picture of the cage and the girls in it? That would help us in seeing how big it is...but quite frankly I wouldn't put three of them in one cage. That's just not enough room at all. ;)

racheld90 wrote:
Its really wide

Ok so i let them all loose togther in my room only one of my females growled and humped the others head and then they were all fine.

So i put them all together about 2 hours ago and right now they are all sleeping on a blanket together :)

maybe they get along better because they are all older and lazy LOL

Nothing has come easy for me like that....

you still want to be careful .
Iwouldn't leave them together unsupervised ; a fight could still break out ; you just don't know the dynamics of the trio yet..

Iwould only put them together daily while you are in the room and then separate them again. better safe than sorry..

a fight can really be serious so be careful with this...esp. if they are in a smaller cage
I agree I would still watch them! At one point I had two males who were not neutered. I had them in one room to play, but with a divider up because males can have serious fights, even try to castrate each other. I left the bunny proofed room for about five minutes. And low and behold one of my bunnies jumped the divider. This was a while ago so I don't remember exactly, but the divider was VERY high. I was amazed he could jump that high. But anyways, I came into the room to find my two males sleeping next to each other!!!

I left them alone because they were getting along fine. As soon as they woke a fight broke out. I was sitting right with them, but one managed to bite the other before I could even reach over.