I bought these dog treats from a bakery. I have a dog, but I also have a rabbit that wants everything the dog gets to eat lol. I’m pretty sure it’s okay, but wanted to double check. The ingredients listed are pumpkin, oatmeal, and flour. It doesn’t specify what type of flour, so I’m guessing regular all purpose flour. They just look like little cookie bars. I wouldn’t give him a full one (he’s only 5 lbs.). I just don’t trust him to determine whether he can eat something, because he eats all sorts of stuff he shouldn’t. He’s eaten Reese’s pb cups, Hershey’s kisses, Oreos, cheese-it’s, jolly ranchers, a stick of gum, dog food, and cat food. And no, I don’t leave any of these things within his reach. He is both an escape artist and a little thief.