can anyone tell me what breed of rabbit my 2 are

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New Member
Sep 7, 2015
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My son was given 2 rabbit and to my knowledge at the time they were both boys but to my surprise 4 days after having them 4 babies came into the world.
The thing is i think one is a dwarf lop ear.
But the second i haven't got any idea.
If anyone can help i would be very grateful.
Iv attached 2 photos


If you are in the USA, there isn't any such breed as "dwarf lop". There are Holland Lops and Mini Lops, which are small and medium-sized, respectively, as well as English Lops which are big with huge ears, and French Lops which are very large (and American Fuzzy Lops, which are, well, fuzzy - so yours isn't one of them).

If you're in the UK, then there is a "dwarf lop" - it's what we call a Mini-Lop here.

We have a Rabbits Online Identification Key which might be able to help you figure out what breed your rabbits are. You just answer the questions, and the key should lead you toward possible breeds for your bunnies.

You can access it here.

Of course, it might be that they are, like many rabbits who find their way into the pet market, simply mixed breed "cute bunnies". You'll love them just as much...
They look like mini or holland lops to me, it can be hard to tell if they are bred for pets because sometimes the lines that identify them as one breed or another are blurred a bit. Very cute though! Both of them are adorable, lops are my favorite I just love the ears 😍
I would say maybe Mini Lop or Standard Lop, but definitely not Holland Lop. Hollands tend to have a more "squished" in face.:p
As far as breeds in the US the second rabbit looks like a Holland lop and it appears to look more like a boy than the other rabbit. Color is Himalayan or pointed white.

The other rabbit could be a poorly bred Holland or a mini. Like said above Hollands and minis can have blurred lines. Color looks to be broken chocolate