Can anyone tell me about moulting please

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Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2005
Reaction score
, , USA
My bunny is about 6 months old, (minilop)and he is looking pretty scruffy right now (hishair ia a mess!!!!:mad::shock::shock::shock::D) ihave a few question...How long does it last? Is this going to happenevery year? or is it a once in a lifetime thing? what can i do if heswallows too much hair? Is there something i can do to help? Thanks!
Hi Loopy:

Rabbits like all fur bearinganimals shed yearly and sometimes morethan once.

it can last for weeks or longer. they need to get rid of used anduseless fur to bring in new healthy fur , kinda like we shedhair every now and then to make way fornew healthy hair .

tokeep the rabbit from ingesting excessiveamounts daily, brushings help asdoes a papaya tablet a day alongwith a few pieces of pineapple or freshpineapple juice a week . lotsof hay and a fewfingers of rolled oats go along way tohelp move things through their systems .Moderationis Key. unlimited hay butlimit treats .
gypsy wrote:
Hi Loopy:

Rabbits like all fur bearinganimals shed yearly and sometimes morethan once.

it can last for weeks or longer. they need to get rid of used anduseless fur to bring in new healthy fur , kinda like we shedhair every now and then to make way fornew healthy hair .

tokeep the rabbit from ingesting excessiveamounts daily, brushings help asdoes a papaya tablet a day alongwith a few pieces of pineapple or freshpineapple juice a week . lotsof hay and a fewfingers of rolled oats go along way tohelp move things through their systems .Moderationis Key. unlimited hay butlimit treats .
Thnaks for all the infomation gypsy, you were tons of help!:)my bunny looks soooo scruffy! :(. can't wait till he lookslike his handsome self again. Thnaks!
I have three mini lops, all of which have beenmolting lately, and instead of using the "slicker brush", I found itmore useful to use a fine toothed comb. The comb "pulled" outmore of the hair than the brush.
There has been studies to suggest that papaya and pineapple have no effect on hairballs.

I suggest feeding canned pumpkin. I feed mine it daily when they shedreally bad and less when they are not shedding but I still feed itbecause the fiber in the pumpkin is what helps to prevent hairballs.Fiber only helps after an extended period of time so it's not animmediate fix.

Watch what kind of pumpkin you get. I get canned pumpkin that has noadded sugars. I thinkthat somebaby food (if theyeven make a pumpkin one) does not have added sugar.
holland wrote:
Ihave three mini lops, all of which have been molting lately, andinstead of using the "slicker brush", I found it more useful to use afine toothed comb. The comb "pulled" out more of the hairthan the brush.
Thanks for the tip, i couldn't find anything to brush his hair withbecaus ethe slicker brush wa sNOT helping ( i did better with my handsand pulling)
MyBunnyBoys wrote:
There has been studies to suggest that papaya and pineapplehave no effect on hairballs.

I suggest feeding canned pumpkin. I feed mine it daily when they shedreally bad and less when they are not shedding but I still feed itbecause the fiber in the pumpkin is what helps to prevent hairballs.Fiber only helps after an extended period of time so it's not animmediate fix.

Watch what kind of pumpkin you get. I get canned pumpkin that has noadded sugars. I thinkthat somebaby food (if theyeven make a pumpkin one) does not have added sugar.

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