On my receipt from the first vet appt it only says "EC". Usually when they havea blood test it will say "IDEXX Health Check Plus". I don't know why she wouldn't have done the full panel. She seems toalways do that for both the cats and rabbits.
Today I took her in for fluids from a tech so I didn't see the vet, but the tech was going back and forth with my questions and "suggestions". I thinkI made a mistake by asking for a cultureto check for an infection rather than a CBC. The vettold the tech there wasn't really a good spot to get a culture (?).
The tech came back with Baytril and I must have looked horrified

and I think he was surprised thatI was opposed to it. I mentioned Zithromax because I hadn't seen Tonyshuman's most recent message. But when I mentioned Chloramphenicolit was him wholooked pretty horrified

He talked about how dangerous it was for humans and you couldn't touch it, etc. I hadn't read about that closely enough to comment on how people from the forum administer it safely.
So in the end I left with the Baytril and PenG

I think the vet herself will call me either this afternoon or Monday.
So...Should I even bother to press for Zithromax or is it a moot point because it won't work? Anyone know how Randy and JadeIcing administer the Chloramphenicol without killing themselves? (I'm being sarcastic that's how the tech made it sound.)
P.S.- They said her weight is holding steady and her temperature is normal. She's eating on her own and her eyes look fairly alert.