has anyone seen a male and femal togeather for 5 days... femal have thos little spots where the male rips out the fur on her back when he mounts.... prolly like 6 or 7 of them... and ehr NOT be prego... obviously not altered. or it wouldnt be a question.
Cami is getting fatter by the day, and her pelvic region is filling in now, but im also feeding her al a bunny could ever want.
ok so it is 29 days today that i got cami...
so its a possibility that we have till the 9th would be 32 days......
around 5am, she gets such a burst of energy she moves her hole pen, she is running around in circles she tipped her litter box, food water toy basket, mangled ehr bed, and there was hey every where..... this is a daily thing the past 3 mornings....
it wakes me up couse shes in my room... LOL not that i mind, im jsut worried.
see i took a midwife class a few years ago, jsut for fun.. (cam in handy when my friend had her baby.. long story) and one of the big things in right before a woman goes into labor she gets a burst of energy "the nesting instict" and she'll want to clean the house or whatever, to "prepare" for the baby.... welllllll, could that be what is going on with cami, she is binnking a good 12-14 inches off the ground!
i know im a worry wort....
i jsut love her sooo much...
could the babies get stuck?
I THINK she has had kits before, but i dont know for sure.
at this point im more worried about my baby (cami) then her babies....