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Here is my arsenal....:privateeyes


From left to right,

The new Digital SLRNikon D200 / 18-200VR zoom lense that I got in January.

Nikon FE / 24mm wide angle, that Iuse as a back-up.

Nikon F2S / 105mm lense (my main camera)that I used for over 30 Yearsand still in great shape.
It shoots manually and doesn't needbatteries.
It will last for another 30 years if there is still film available.

Rainbows! :)
TinysMom wrote:
Hey - I get the feeling you really like Nikon! Can you share why?

It started as a hobby in high school with a Canonrangefinder. Then I got a Konica SLR with a 50mmf1.2 lense.
Yes it was a f1.2 that shoots inlowlight, and the first automaticSLRever made, and hadthe fastest flash synch at the time (1/125 shutter speed).Had it for a few years, but the mechanical meteringstopped working, so I had to look for a new camera.

One of my friends had a Nikkormat, which got meinterested in Nikons. I got the Nikon F2S whichmetered with LEDS. It was very reliable and dependable andbuilt like a tank. To this day, itstillworks like acharm.And I love thesound of theCLICK when I press theshutter release. It even outlasted my cheaper and newerback-up camera, the Nikon FE which I wore out fromall the shooting. That is why I stayed withNikons, besides I have a whole collection of Nikon lensesthat I can use on my new Nikon D200.

Rainbows! :cool:
When you buy a SLR camera, you buy a system as well.

If you choose Nikon, you have to stick to buying Nikon compatible accessories, and these are not cheap.

I chose Canon because my friends have Canon, and I could get some of the accessories for cheap.

I think it's a matter of who you hang out with, who introduces you to this crazy world of SLR photography.

I have my moms Nikon CoolPix 4300. Itworks pretty well, and if bunny zooms as the pic is being taken and Ionly get a pic of her bum, I can delete the picture right away.

The only bad thing about it, is the battery runs out prettyquickly. It's full power for a day or two, and then it'llstart lagging as the the battery runs out, for a week or so.This is, of course, after new bunnies and puppy arrived, so thecamera's getting a lot of excercise. Which reminds me, I needto check and see if the battery's charged yet....
proxima centauri wrote:
When you buy a SLR camera, you buy a system as well.
If you choose Nikon, you have to stick to buying Nikon compatible accessories, and these are not cheap.
Yes, I had friends who had Nikkormats, one hadOlympus, and my uncles had Minoltas. You really have todecide which system you want to go with.

I was lucky to sell my Konica and all theaccessories to someone who wanted to get intophotography, before I made the switch to NIKON.

And with the Nikons I was able to have it pay for itself as I was doing weddings on the side.

Rainbows! :D
mine issome sort of sony cyber-shot...but dont know which specific kind without looking it it on ebay:D

i also use my moms kodak easy share 4.0...i think its

moms camera...
Pet_Bunny wrote:
The new Digital SLRNikon D200 / 18-200VR zoom lense that I got in January.

Pet_Bunny, I am DYING to get that 18-200 lense.

I have a Nikon D70s but I just got the 18-55 lense with it because Iintended on getting the 18-200 - but it's sold outEVERYWHERE!

HoneyPot wrote:
Pet_Bunny, I am DYING to get that 18-200 lense.

That lense is Fantastic! It is so sharp(sharper than all my other lenses) and focuses sofast. It is quiet and the vibration reduction lets me shootat high telephoto with no shake or blur.But thats what you pay for. :D

I was very lucky when I got mycamera. The store manger hadseveral18-200's in stock but noD200's.
He promised to holda lense for me untilhe gotmore camerasin.
Three weeks later, I got my new D200/18-200VR f3.5 zoom.

At another camera shop I had my name ontheir waiting list (December), and stillwaiting.... :waiting:

Rainbows! :wiggle
Pet_Bunny wrote:
HoneyPot wrote:
Pet_Bunny, Iam DYING to get that 18-200 lense.

That lense is Fantastic! It is so sharp(sharper than all my other lenses) and focuses sofast. It is quiet and the vibration reduction lets me shootat high telephoto with no shake or blur.But thats what you pay for. :D


I'm so jealous.

And I love the action shots of Pebbles in the snow thatyouhave - I've been trying to get some good ones of Mistybinking. I just got my camera a month ago. Used totake photography classes and thingsin school but haven't doneanything with it in a long time - so just starting up again. SO muchfun!

LOL, I don't have another camera to take a picture of my camera with...

proxima centauri wrote:
Should we start a club of bunny photographers? :)
Where do I sign up? :sunshine:

Digital photography is new tome. I haven't learned all the functions of thecamera yet.Trying to readthecameramanual is confusing enough. ThenI have to figure what program touseto process the raw images that I want to take.

Rainbows! :)