I like Peter Capaldi's Doctor. He's sort of a throwback to the Patrick Troughton Second or Tom Baker Fourth Doctors - manic and a bit odd, but fun and with a bit of darkness and sarcasm about mere humans. It's also nice that he's chosen to retain his Scottish accent, when David Tennant suppressed his for the Tenth Doctor. Once Christopher Eccleston introduced the concept that the Doctor didn't have to have an RP accent ("lots of planets have a North"), I'd been waiting for a Scottish Doctor.
I'm not so fond of the writing in the first few episodes, though. The dialog is good, but the plots seem to exist only to set up the one-liners, and either don't make much sense overall or are kind of fragmented, and the conclusions seem rushed.
I could do without the afterlife sub-plots, too. I'm sure Steven Moffat will tie up that thread eventually, but it just seems kind of weird.