I've actually been thinking a LOT about this situation this week. I've had a rather
"grouchy" week, though, and didn't want to post anything while in that mood, which
would make me sound snappish or unkind. I did PM Carolyn though. LOL I'm glad I
wasn't the only one.
I love this message board. I think I've said that before.
Where else can I go to
see and hear about rabbits and bunnies and the lives of people I've come to think of
as friends?
That being said, our tight-knit family seems to have experienced a growth spurt this
past week. I wouldn't say we're suspicious by nature, but we are pretty protective
of this little haven on the internet that we've formed.
We are nutty about our rabbits.
We do get a little crazy sometimes (oh those bunny nappers!!!).
We even do goofy things like decorate our home-made bunny condominiums and
create fun pictures of our rabbits to celebrate the seasons.
We are not childish.
We have lots of young members. We even have guest visits by children of our
members. We talk about children in many many many of our posts.
But we are not childish.
We do not call names. We frown upon whining. We smile at the fact that our
members care so much about what happens to others, rather than living in an
egocentric world ("look at me"). We revel in the written word (I just love that post!).
So, I think, an influx of people who are young in maturity, regardless of age, sends
us scurrying to protect our warren. We'd like it to stay nice and peaceful here. Kudos
to those in our midst who learned that early and are still posting and no longer add
drama to the board.
Just my thoughts.
Edited: Because I HATE scrolling back and forth to read!