CaliBunny and SillyBunny

Rabbits Online Forum

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Jems wrote:
Howabout thier birthdates?:shock: I was embarrassed at thehospital once when asked my son's b-date and drew a completeblank!!! DUH! the looks I got from the lady at theregistration desk.

Been there LOL

How about geting the date mixed up my boys are 10years apart and both of them of them were born on a 21'st now that getconfussing and I have had really strange looks at the hosptal and newdoctors
MyBunnyLovesMe wrote:
That'd be even cuter, if their buns looked the same ;)
lol, ya! It's possible, too. ;)Spice has a twin, Sugar.Identical markings and all, we had to flip them over and check whichwas male and female if we wanted to know, lol!
I'm still questioning if CaliBunny and SillyBunny are who they say they are.

Their style is very similar to someone else's.

It's so easy to lie on the internet, but the beauty is that the truth always comes out in the end. Time will tell.


Carolyn wrote:
I'm still questioning if CaliBunny and SillyBunny are who they say they are.

Their style is very similar to someone else's.

It's so easy to lie on the internet, but the beauty is that the truth always comes out in the end. Time will tell.


Yeh.. They were born in 1994. They type very well for 10 year olds?

To me, they seem the same person. But thats just my opinion, so please don't kill me for saying? :p
Yeah, I dunno. . . I have a very precociousandverbally gifted 10-yo sister (she doesn't get "mad" shegets "exasperated" :p). She is a good writer, but I just can't see herexpressing herself this well through typing. *shrug* Just my two cents.. . .
MyBunnyLovesMe wrote:
Twins are so cool! lol

That'd be even cuter, if their buns looked the same ;)

Actually, they kind of do. But they are a differentbreed.Mine is a lop and my sister's is a Dutch. But they do kind of resembleeach other, simetimes

WE REALLY ARE TWINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
All of a sudden, I feel like we have beeninundated by couple of troll-like characters lately. Thesetwo(?) have certainly aroused my suspicions with their childlike postsand questions, coupled with a fairly sophisticated writing style.

Neither has been malicious, but I do resent someone playing games withme, as I know others of you resent it as well. Some oftheir(?) posts wreak of "look at me!", which I find self-absorbitiveand something I would not rather comply with.

I think I may simply "refuse to play," until the situation clarifiesitself better. As Carolyn has written, the truth will comeout, as suspicions are at a high level already.


m.e. wrote:
Yeah, I dunno. . . I have a very precocious and?verbally gifted10-yo sister (she doesn't get "mad" she gets "exasperated" :p). She isa good writer, but I just can't see her expressing herself this wellthrough typing. *shrug* Just my two cents. . . .

True, m.e., but there's much more than just the typing and expressions.


I've actually been thinking a LOT about this situation this week. I've had a rather

"grouchy" week, though, and didn't want to post anything while in that mood, which

would make me sound snappish or unkind. I did PM Carolyn though. LOL I'm glad I

wasn't the only one.

I love this message board. I think I've said that before. :)Where else can I go to

see and hear about rabbits and bunnies and the lives of people I've come to think of

as friends?

That being said, our tight-knit family seems to have experienced a growth spurt this

past week. I wouldn't say we're suspicious by nature, but we are pretty protective

of this little haven on the internet that we've formed.

We are nutty about our rabbits.

We do get a little crazy sometimes (oh those bunny nappers!!!).

We even do goofy things like decorate our home-made bunny condominiums and

create fun pictures of our rabbits to celebrate the seasons.


We are not childish.

We have lots of young members. We even have guest visits by children of our

members. We talk about children in many many many of our posts.

But we are not childish.

We do not call names. We frown upon whining. We smile at the fact that our

members care so much about what happens to others, rather than living in an

egocentric world ("look at me"). We revel in the written word (I just love that post!).

So, I think, an influx of people who are young in maturity, regardless of age, sends

us scurrying to protect our warren. We'd like it to stay nice and peaceful here. Kudos

to those in our midst who learned that early and are still posting and no longer add

drama to the board.

Just my thoughts. :)


Edited: Because I HATE scrolling back and forth to read! :p


Well said, ElfMommy.

* * * * * * * * *

I must say, it's impressive to me how many of you have picked up recentevents and expressed concern. People who usually say nothing have PMedme. Thank you very much for that.

Communication is everything in these situations. If you get strangenotes/emails or Private Messages from such people, or your computersuddenly experiences a spamming or trouble, speak up. Let me know. Ifyou read something that doesn't seem quite right and you don't want torespond, let me know.

I hate High Drama. Ignore the "pick me" posts. Follow your instincts.Usually if you ignore the behavior, they get bored and go away. If not,then the choice is made for them to go away.

If it continues and starts to change the tone of the forum here, then I will take action. No worries.

Let's Stand United and Protect Our Warren!

rabbitgirl wrote:
Carolyn wrote:
?Our Warren!

"Our Warren". lol (don't know why that strikes me so funny--thinking Watership Down, I guess)

We are sick people, Carolyn--you know that!!!




I'm well aware of it, Dear Heart.

* * * * * * * *


How appropos you present that picture at this time. :)

I agree with allthe above statements. I'm on board, (but I don't plan on letting theship sink). I've also noticed an unusually high rush of new members andevery time I sign on there are so many new threads that I have to gothrough two pages to get to a thread that I've been following.:?I get easily perturbed with silly questions/situations thatI feel aren't pressing and could be researched in the search box.However, I haven't followed many of the new members thisweekbecause I've been working on a new computer system andall my kids are home on Christmas break, so we've been busy. I honestlydon't know which members seem legitimate. Beton me to voicemy opinion when I feel like there's something going on.

This is family y'all, you don't mess with family.RaspberrySwirl

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