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irishlops wrote:
Luvr of Wabbits and Polar Bears wrote:
Elena have you taked to anyone about this Dyscalculia? If this something you have I'm sure it's treatable.
i only found out about this yesterday. i had all the sympoms so i looked at the quiz...
its not treatable. is saw it typed on 15 websites....
but i would have to get taught differntly
That's still treatable, being taught a differnt way.
Luvr of Wabbits and Polar Bears wrote:
irishlops wrote:
WHAT! since i was off line for about 4 days!!!!!!
omg! *hugs*


Vanilla, Maddie and Mr. Fudge died together, neighbours dog got loose.

Cinnamom, Not sure what happned.

Princess, Chewed an electrial cord.

Zeus, Mom's fault. She learned her lesson.

Theo, Died of EC I think.

2 of mom's, dont remember names, dog attack.

Black Forrest, natural cosses.

Cookies, natural cosses.

Pumpkins, Cancer :(

So yah thats 12 for me :( And I've only had rabbits for 13 years.
i really really dont know what to say....:(
omg! awh... im hear. just like your were here for me...
With help you will be able to get a good level in Maths don't give up on yourself - you might not even have this thing (sorry i can't spell it so its just going to be called 'this thing' lol) Tracy was diagnosed with it but she got a great grade!!

Becca wrote:
With help you will be able to get a good level in Maths don't give up on yourself - you might not even have this thing (sorry i can't spell it so its just going to be called 'this thing' lol) Tracy was diagnosed with it but she got a great grade!!

if i dont have "thing":)P) then ami just stupid? all the people in my family is good at maths and science when its mathy. (am am the highest in my class in science, but i will be down when wehen we use maths)
what could i do?
No if you don't have it, it wont make your stupid. You just need extra help in that area. I'm 28 and I HATE math, I suck at it. I am getting better as I use my math every day I work.

If you need help with Music I can help you. Thats where I excell!!!!!!!!
lol. thaks bethovven. yeh, i need help with notes. only reading them, because i know where they are in a flute, recoder and keybored
i know the every good boy deserves football and the face....]but i cant read it when it come to it..
may i add. i dont want to be rude, but once some thing goes into my ear.. it goes out again..... i will of forgotten this in 15mins time..
Have you figuired out what learning style you are?
It will help a lot!
My Science teacher talks for like the whole lesson and I don't learn like that! I have to write it down draw boxes and arrows and highlight stuff thats how I learn!
Do you learn like that or do you learn by repeating things, hearing things? There are loads of different ways :)
Luvr of Wabbits and Polar Bears wrote:
Have you tried writing the notes over top? I do that sometimes to remind me what the note is, even tho I've been reading music for 10+ years
i write the notes under it. can play it. i put my fingers in the right places and every thing. but when it comes to the assement you have to rubb them out.....

Becca wrote:
Have you figuired out what learning style you are?
It will help a lot!
My Science teacher talks for like the whole lesson and I don't learn like that! I have to write it down draw boxes and arrows and highlight stuff thats how I learn!
Do you learn like that or do you learn by repeating things, hearing things? There are loads of different ways :)
ok. the listening.... no way. i day dream with out knowing. even in my fav lessons.
writing.. thats how i revise, but it only works to a certein degree.

wait. i found this site...
Visual/Spatial Intelligence
ability to perceive the visual. These learners tend to think in pictures and need to create vivid mental images to retain information. They enjoy looking at maps, charts, pictures, videos, and movies.
Their skills include:
puzzle building, reading, writing, understanding charts and graphs, , sketching, painting, creating visual metaphors and analogies (perhaps through the visual arts), manipulating images, constructing, fixing, designing practical objects, interpreting visual images.
Possible career interests:
navigators, sculptors, visual artists, inventors, architects, interior designers, mechanics, engineers
yes thats me. but in maths, it does not work...

Verbal/Linguistic Intelligence
ability to use words and language. These learners have highly developed auditory skills and are generally elegant speakers. They think in words rather than pictures.
Their skills include:
listening, speaking, writing, story telling, explaining, teaching, using humor, understanding the syntax and meaning of words, remembering information, convincing someone of their point of view, analyzing language usage.
Possible career interests:
Poet, journalist, writer, teacher, lawyer, politician, translator NO

Logical/Mathematical Intelligence

ability to use reason, logic and numbers. These learners think conceptually in logical and numerical patterns making connections between pieces of information. Always curious about the world around them, these learner ask lots of questions and like to do experiments.
Their skills include:
problem solving, classifying and categorizing information, working with abstract concepts to figure out the relationship of each to the other, handling long chains of reason to make local progressions,doing controlled experiments, questioning and wondering about natural events, performing complex mathematical calculations, working with geometric shapes
Possible career paths:
Scientists, engineers, computer programmers, researchers, accountants, mathematicians ha ha no way

Bodily/Kinesthetic Intelligence

ability to control body movements and handle objects skillfully. These learners express themselves through movement. They have a good sense of balance and eye-hand co-ordination. (e.g. ball play, balancing beams). Through interacting with the space around them, they are able to remember and process information.
Their skills include:
dancing, physical co-ordination, sports, hands on experimentation, using body language, crafts, acting, miming, using their hands to create or build, expressing emotions through the body

no i cant do that, but i like to move about.
Possible career paths:
Athletes, physical education teachers, dancers, actors, firefighters, artisans
Musical/Rhythmic Intelligence

ability to produce and appreciate music. These musically inclined learners think in sounds, rhythms and patterns. They immediately respond to music either appreciating or criticizing what they hear. Many of these learners are extremely sensitive to environmental sounds (e.g. crickets, bells, dripping taps).
Their skills include:
singing, whistling, playing musical instruments, recognizing tonal patterns, composing music, remembering melodies, understanding the structure and rhythm of music
Possible career paths:
musician, disc jockey, singer, composer

some of that

Interpersonal Intelligence

ability to relate and understand others. These learners try to see things from other people's point of view in order to understand how they think and feel. They often have an uncanny ability to sense feelings, intentions and motivations. They are great organizers, although they sometimes resort to manipulation. Generally they try to maintain peace in group settings and encourage co-operation.They use both verbal (e.g. speaking) and non-verbal language (e.g. eye contact, body language) to open communication channels with others.
me, not eye contact, unless im angery, but body laungue

Their skills include:
seeing things from other perspectives (dual-perspective), listening, using empathy, understanding other people's moods and feelings, counseling, co-operating with groups, noticing people's moods, motivations and intentions, communicating both verbally and non-verbally, building trust, peaceful conflict resolution, establishing positive relations with other people.
Possible Career Paths:
Counselor, salesperson, politician, business person

well, thats other stuff.
here is styles
Tactile/Kinesthetic Learners: learn through , moving, doing and touching...

Tactile/Kinesthetic persons learn best through a hands-on approach, actively exploring the physical world around them. They may find it hard to sit still for long periods and may become distracted by their need for activity and exploration. me

Visual Learners:
learn through seeing... .
These learners need to see the teacher's body language and facial expression to fully understand the content of a lesson. They tend to prefer sitting at the front of the classroom to avoid visual obstructions (e.g. people's heads). They may think in pictures and learn bestfrom visual displays including: diagrams, illustrated text books, overhead transparencies, videos, flipcharts and hand-outs. During a lecture or classroom discussion, visual learners often prefer to take detailed notes to absorb the information.

in maths, the illustains distract me, but in other subjects they dont. but yes me

Auditory Learners:
learn through listening...
They learn best through verbal lectures, discussions, talking things through and listening to what others have to say. Auditory learners interpret the underlying meanings of speech through listening to tone of voice, pitch, speed and other nuances. Written information may have little meaning until it is heard. These learners often benefit from reading text aloud and using a tape recorder.

http://www.ldpride.net/learningstyles.MI.htm the website

Becca wrote:
How are the bunnies and yourself today?
ok the rabbits are fine. eyore is more shy... i looked over him for ilness, or soreness. none....

ok. yesterday i went up to my friends house!!!!!!!!!!!! its my firist time going up to a friends house!!! :D
but i had to go over to a random school to watch her in a kick boxing compitition. i was 2 hrs late. but i did not n=miss her going on.
i was told to go home at 3 pm. i got there at 12. i was planning to go back to her house.....
but the compition was on till 4. my brother said, add on the hrs you were late. so i got lifted at 5. my mum rang and got on to me, and i cant go up to fionas house again. and she ment it.
(she is in surry now, but coming back home today.... oh YAY...:shock: :()
i went to the libary during p.e to do maths...
the tecaher gave me a ks3 paper, and when i tried. (i did, but i swear, it was goobledeegooke) to do the answer, she was like, NO< YOUR FAIL IT! YOU WILL LOSE £MARKS>>>> ect..
my mum is spliting up with my dad for the 3rd time now.
ill explain later, i just dont want to know who this wil affect her mood..

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