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Oct 22, 2007
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Well we finally got the colture back (took over a week) Well your gonna either yell at me or something about them not doing a colture earlier. But ya try to listen to them (sad when you have to know more then the vets) Anywho he has Protius(not sure thats spelled right) (I got a message and have to call them for more info) They also said he has something else but she knew nothing about it(hadn't heard of it before) I will have to get that so i can see if anyone on here has. Then she mentioned having him sadated to check is back teeth. They said Baytril was good for treating the Protius. Not sure about the other she couldn't find any info on that one.

Well gotta call to get more Baytril they only gave me a weeks worth. I wonder about his eye, it still doesn't want to clear up. But it maybe his teeth seing it seems to be running alot.


The new virus (not sure on spelling) Stenotrophomonious Maltophila

I got more Baytril and they had the Nutri Cal so i go a tube of that. I just give that once a day? just a small drop? Its going to be hard to put it in his mouth with my finger. Is it ok to just put it on a piece of food?

Since you've not gotten a reply, due to this ZooToo stuff as warned, I'm going to step in real quick.

As for the NutriCal, yep, just a dap il doo. You can even wipe a small amount on the paws so he has to lick it off. That's it pretty much, see how he reacts to the first dose. You could do it like twice a day, should give him the energy to eat.

Good Luck, please, keep us posted as well! I'm sure you'll have some informative posts soon:).
Thnaks, he really doesn't have a problem eating. But i got it for the extra vitamins ect. that is in it. Seeing he is about 8yrs old and with the viruses he has.
The common virus Stenotrophomonas maltophilia isn't new, it's just been more recently reclassified (It's actually been renamed a few times as more became known about it). The virus is found in our environment (water, vegetation, soil, etc.), and generally doesn't cause any health problems except in immune compromised individuals. It's naturally resistant to many meds, so can be difficult to treat.

I'd most certainly give the Nutri Cal - at his age, he can use a more easily metabolized nutrient source.

Umm....I might would use a sulfa drug in conjunction with the Baytril. I have used them at the same time. I would like to know exactly what the first pathogen is and what it is sensitive to. The S Maltophila is an aerobic gram negative bacillus formerly known as Pseudomonas. While rare, we have seen that be a primary infection especially in the ears and resulted in torticollis.In today's world, and seeing what I get to see in labs, I ain't gonna be playing with these things and I will attack with all guns firing.

When using these antibiotics in combination or for long term, be on the watch for yeast infections primarily in the ears.

And I agree with the other posts....a bit of Nutri Cal won't hurt. Some higher calorie foods might help....a little alfalfa hay, some dandelion greens, a little kale or even some canned pumpkin. But..do watch for any GI upset and adjust the diet accordingly as the increase calories of these foods may upset his gut a bit....add them slowly and keep watch. And if your vet would be willing....a one time injection of B Comp sometimes works wonders.


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