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Just keep in mind that the bonding process goes a lot deeper then just putting 2 rabbits together in a cage and expecting them to get along.
Seras wrote:
I am going to make them a nic cage since they cant be caged together now due to the cage is to small for 2 bunnies.
Basically quoting that part....to say, "I hope you aren't just placing them together once you get a cage built because you stated you were getting a cage built today."
Yea i am building a cage big enough for the two of them but she is staying in her cage and him in the new one until they are bonded i just want it built cause i am trying to put a cage for Sally and a guinea pig cage along with it. Hera will bond with Zues out of the cage for 2hrs min a day for awhile until i put her in their with him. I am sorry its early and i might mis-say something but they will not be housed together right now.
"I am going to make them a nic cage since they cant be caged together now due to the cage is to small for 2 bunnies. "

I meant once bonded they cant be both in his cage its too small for 2 bunnies. lol sry i messed up my words also Zues is getting big so he needs more room.
Ok i got 2 boxes each containing 23 cubes thats 46 total. Going to see how far that takes me and if i will need more. Will work on it soon pics later when finished.
Ok the cage is up and a temporary home for Jack and Sally until i can get more pannels. Hera is spending some time in cage with Zues under my supervision she is not always in there with him. They are bonding.
its 2x4x3.



I am going to add 2 more pannels up. The middle is going to turn into a guinea pig cage and then i will do 2 2x2x2 for Jack and Sally until spay/nuetuer.
Some information-
*Zues weighs 7lbs dated 10/25/09 his mother is 20+lbs so i am curious how big this boy is going to get.

*Jack is also getting bigger! And alot darker!

*Sally's fur is so soft! And she is now used to being held on her back since poop likes to get stuck on her butt.

->had all these bunnies out last night and boy where there alot of binkies!

*Going to try and start from the begining with Hera. My BF just called me and said she is attacking him too i told him to leave her be and ill clean and feed when i get home. She cant be out of her cage right now becuase his cousin is over with her kid and i dont want the Hera to attack him.
Ok construction on the cage will happen tonight and tomorrow. It's been a bad week. A close friend of the family that ive known since i was born died yesturday morning. I love Zues i was in my room sad and he ran right up to me put his head on my lap and layed there. Well more pics shortly.
So i got bad news today while at school. My boyfriend went to go feed and play with the rabbits since i am at school till 7pm today and gave mea disturbing call. Hera has passed away. He said she started freaking out in her cage thumping and running in circles the stoped layed down and didnt get up. He opened the cage and pet her, she wouldnt move. He is at the vet right now with the body and from what the vet can see it was a heart attack. My boyfriend is extremely upset. She was actually starting to warm up to him. I am very upset. But the vet also told him that she has a messed up heart from what he saw and it would of happened sooner or later. I am already upset over a friend of the family dieing. Binky free Hera!
Zues seems ok. She was only with us since thursday so i dont know how attached he could have gotten to her. I hope he feels fine i really dont want to think of him being sad he is such a happy bunny. On another note the cage for Sally and Jack gets finished today along with the middle section for guineas. Need to find colorplast in big sheets.
Thanks alot guys. I distracted myself this morning by finishing the temp NIC cage which is another temp cage for a couple of months till i get Jack/Sally neutered/spayed then ill take out the barrier between them. Pics coming later. Waiting for Comcast =(
Still need to upload pics lol been a very hectic week. I am still open to getting a fourth rabbit to bond with Zues but i decided if i get another rabbit it will be a breed ive never had and would LOVE. A English lop. I am also thinking abot Zues size so i would love another bigger bunny. Ive asked the store owner where i got Jack and Sally from if he could get a female for me and he said he would ask the lady he gets the rabbits from today and for me to call later tonight. So ill update later. I am VERY EXCITED to see if he can find one. I also found a place near me that spays/neuters for $65 so thats GREAT.
Ok well here are the pics better late then never. Also i sucessfully added a guinea pig creating a trio.






And her is the new guinea BumbleBee! My bf picked her out!


