Do you ever have those moments that are just too funny to be real? The ones that really belong in a movie? Had one of those today.

If only I had thought to take a screen shot... :foreheadsmack:
I've been hanging out in the bunny room today, doing some homework. I left to make lunch and put my son down for a nap and didn't close up my laptop. I had a spreadsheet up on the screen and I came back in to find one of the cells contained:
I just about died laughing. The page was also about 100 rows farther down the page than where I had left off, so I scrolled back up to where I had been working to find:
where I had been working right before I left the room. :shock:
Now, I can understand "lop" as they are right next to each other on the keyboard, but "bun" is not so easily explained. Obviously they are geniuses

so the real question is whether they will use their powers for good or evil...