So we got a rabbit a year ago at a reptile show... Obviously not bred as a pet, but I'm not sure if that matters... Anyway he is kind of a 'king' bunny and very demanding when he wants to be pet or wants treats (obsessed with banana and cilantro/mint and always has to be in the right order -banana slice, then mint leaves or cilantro- he seems to prefer mint OR cilantro on alternating weeks but never wants both at the same time). He really loves my girlfriend and will run up to her for pets and me for treats. Also he LOVES our cat and they groom each other (he gets upset and will head butt her when she stops). He HATES being picked up and has a very set routine- he will come out at 7am for a morning treat, hang out with the cat, then sit in his upstairs hutch until mid afternoon when he comes down and will lay under the cat tree until evening. Then he comes out of his room (he has his own bedroom with gym-tile style flooring due to reasons I will explain). He immediately sprints into the living room, pees, poops all over, and then sits on the tile in front of the TV and watches us for 20 minutes before going back to his bedroom. We have a sitting area in his room as well but whenever we sit in it, he will go to the bathroom all over the cushions (we try not to leave them out). He never goes on the floor in his room. He has a litter box in the living room but he never used it- he only uses the litter box in his room and the carpet in the living room. He never seems upset but he also is a little standoff ish with people besides us (it doesn't seem like he is scared as he eventually will check out new people we have over but on his time only). But the carpet in our living room has hundreds of pellets and stains by the end of the night. I feel bad keeping his door closed because even though he's not a cuddler he seems to like being in the same room as us and the cat and him love playing together (he's bigger than her and very comfortable as he rolls over with her and usually he's the one that chases her until he gets her to groom him). So HOW DO I STOP THE CONSTANT 'ACCIDENTS' (I know they are not accidental, as he deliberately avoids his living room litter box and will instantly poop and pee on the spot we sit in his room). Is he just the product of a breeding program that was not meant for behavior or traits desired in "pet" bunnies? We love his little snobby attitude aside from the poo and pee, but is there anything we can do aside from keeping him away from carpet and removing cushions from his room? (We ordered outdoor furniture for his room so we can sit with him and remove cushions when we aren't there. ANY tips are appreciated. He is fixed, he is litter trained, and he eats very healthy aside from his banana slice in the morning (herbs hay and Timothy pellets only with dandelions when they grow here).