Active Member
Hi everyone,
I just got done building my bunnies new cage today, & usually he's really curious & adventurous. I put him in the bottom of his cage & realized he hasn't gone up it at all, he chews on it but just won't go up it. I eventually put him at the top so he could realize his fun chewies & bed were at the top. I even did a trail of veggies to see if he'd go down, he stopped at the ramp & went back into his little bed.
Is there a chance I may have made the ramp too steep ? I didn't think I did, it's at a nice slant for him to go up & down on. Or am I just worrying too much ? I had wanted his litter box & hay at the top, but it looks like its going to have to be at the bottom instead for now. Is there anything I can do to show him he's not going to fall off ? Or will he eventually pick up on it?
I just got done building my bunnies new cage today, & usually he's really curious & adventurous. I put him in the bottom of his cage & realized he hasn't gone up it at all, he chews on it but just won't go up it. I eventually put him at the top so he could realize his fun chewies & bed were at the top. I even did a trail of veggies to see if he'd go down, he stopped at the ramp & went back into his little bed.
Is there a chance I may have made the ramp too steep ? I didn't think I did, it's at a nice slant for him to go up & down on. Or am I just worrying too much ? I had wanted his litter box & hay at the top, but it looks like its going to have to be at the bottom instead for now. Is there anything I can do to show him he's not going to fall off ? Or will he eventually pick up on it?