along with the dental problems and gi stasis snuffles is what tucker was diagnosed with yesterday before he passed away. he had discharge from the eyes, nose, and mouth (just looked almost like a white powder) and he was wheezing really bad (and of course him not eating or drinking or pooping,but a couple real tiny ones). come to find out with the necropsy he also had a severe lower abdomen infection that went into his blood stream and literally blew open his stomach. the infection could have been what caused his snuffles, but he didn't live past his first treatment of antibiotics, other meds for gi stasis, and inflamation/pain meds so no idea whether or not they would have helped him if the infection hadn't already spread to his bloodstream.
everything mentioned above is exactly what the vet told me about it being a chronic condition that will most likely keep reappearing its nasty face and it not having a "treatment" to cure it.
although an extremely sad ordeal i'm so glad he's not suffering anymore and am happy he was on the pain meds when he passed so hopefully it wasn't too painful of a passing.