bunny pulled out his stitches after being neutered

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She is just lovely ..reminds me of my bun Babette who died last June

the collar in the pic was a longtube of cotton wrapped in vet wrap and secured at the ends with surgical tape ..read the whole thread.
she said it was about 1" wide but you would need to custommake it to fit him
Aw I remember when Babette died. This talk about dead bunnies is depressing.

I read the thread before I posted, but I don't have vet wrap or surgical tape or anything. Do you think a rolled up wash cloth an safety pins could work? Maybe we'll buy some of that Ace bandage at the store to wrap around a washcloth since I'm afraid just a rolled up wash cloth would unfurl like a bandanna.
Aww poor little guy!

I WISH I'd taken a picture of it but when Chalk had surgery last year, she was trying to chew her stitches out, so we made her a soft e-collar. Because she's small (about 4lbs I think) I used one of those fleecey/fluffy socks, that are quite stretchy. I cut it off from the ankle, folded it and put it around Chalk's neck (I tried to put it round her middle but her paws flailed around too much for that). It was snug, but not at all tight, and it restricted her from chewing her stomach, but she could still just about eat her cecals and clean her face etc. It worked a treat. She didn't manage to pull it off either. I don't know if that's a help at all but just thought I'd share my experience :)

I hope he'll be ok! Good that he likes his medicine at least- I wish that would happen with our buns whenever they need it!
I think that you coud use sock stuffed with a smaller sock but I'm not sure about the safety pins ...wish I could thing of some way that you could hook it

you couldn't sew it could you ?

(I should talk I cannot even sew on a button :blushan:)
maybe someone else can think of something

too bad you don't have something that could go around and attach with velcro

Whatever you do have to make sure that it is nothing that could get caught on something and choke him.
I bet safety pins would be fine, as long as they're not pulled on too tightly. What about an ace bandage over top to hold it in place as well?
I'm worried about Paxden. He's been a good boy and hasn't been bothering his owie, but I think he may have an abscess or something. The wound itself is scabbed over and is getting smaller, but the testicle underneath looks a little swollen. I want to take him back in to the vet tomorrow.

Is it honestly normal for their scrotum to turn black as it shrivels? His previous owner and the vet both assured me that it's fine, but none of my 4 boy bunnies ever had their scrotum turn dark like that. Not even Skyler, who has black fur there! And how long will it be until they shrivel away? I've accidentally brushed my finger on them when checking out his wound, and they're hard.

Also, after the first day he decided he hates his medicine. This means I have to haul him out of his cage to give it to him. That is NOT good for getting him to trust me! I feel like a big old meanie :cry2
I haven't seen them shrivel up and fall off. Is it the one that doesn't look like an abscess that is black? I have very little experience with this, as Ben is the only one we had fixed. His scrota looked like deflated balloons for a little while, then they just kind of disappeared and the skin got taut there again.

Is it warm at all? An infection will be warm to the touch.

I think with your experience and this time being different, it's a good idea to take him in to be sure. Maybe someone else will have seen this before.
Claire, my 3 other boy bunnies' scrotums looked like deflated balloons and then the skin tightened up, just like you described. His are shriveled, black and hard. Like dead tissue. Like I said, his vet tech previous owner and the vet we saw last week both said it's normal.

I don't understand what kind of surgery they did on him :( Actually, the spot that is swollen is closer to the skin and is pink, not black and at the base of his scrotum. When I go to give him his medicine tonight, I'll try to get a picture.

Let's hope our good vet can see him tomorrow! Good thing is he's acting completely normal.
I've seen hundreds of neuters from shelter buns. Usually they will be swollen and puffy for 3-4 days and then begin to look like deflated balloons. sometimes one side will get puffed up and infected (rare) and need to be reglued by the vet. I have never seen what you are describing. They must do a different procedure. A pic would help...
I got a photo! Sorry it isn't great, but it's hard to hold down an unhappy bunny, move all his fur out of the way, and take a photo (one with a camera that you have to look through the viewfinder to use vs. just looking at the LCD) with just two hands.


As you can see, the wound is on the testicle on the right, at the top. I actually think it looks a lot better now than it did a couple days over. It's gotten a lot smaller and the scab is still on top. His scrotum looks like it's shrunk too, which is good.

Until now, I hadn't been touching his scrotum (except for the time I accidentally did) because I don't want to be some bunny pervert, but I set my concerns aside and poked around a bit. His testicles actually are NOT hard- they're quite soft. The part my finger accidentally touched is the left testicle, you can see it's a little bunched up in one spot. It has a little bit of something dried on it, and that's what was hard. Also, in the process of poking around, I can see that what I thought was minor swelling beneath his wound is also present on the left side, which makes me think it's not an infection.

What do you guys think?
Geez, I dunno. I guess it could just be dark from bruising. The scabs look fine. I also don't think there's any swelling that's indicative of an infection.
I never saw anything quite like that after a neuter ( but that is really a close up) ; it should start to look better than that soon which will tell us if it is healing.

Ihave never seen the tissues that dark before butthe there could have been bleeding into the testicular sacsafter the neuter .

Watch for improvement.
Good news is the wound is even smaller today. Sorry the photo is such a close up, angieluv. Because of how I had to hold him and the camera to get the photo, half the picture was my **** so I cropped it because I didn't think the forum needed to see that, clothed or not!
SnowyShiloh wrote:
Good news is the wound is even smaller today. Sorry the photo is such a close up, angieluv. Because of how I had to hold him and the camera to get the photo, half the picture was my **** so I cropped it because I didn't think the forum needed to see that, clothed or not!

LOl it was a great photo but I have never gotten that close to one that I was looking at

if it's smaller today that's great :)