Bunny proofing apartment (Wires)

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Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2005
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, , USA
any tips on how to protect wires from a bunny? and where to purchase thanks
There are plastic wire protectors that are splitso you can get the wires in easily. We got ours at Home Depot Ibelieve. I've also heard of people using PVC pipe andaquarium tubing.
We use shower rod covers to protect ourwires. this is by far the cheapest way to go and you can getthem to match your decor LOL

well, i need something cheap becasue i justmoved to a new appartment and paying more bills :(is no fun:(. so i guess i need something inexpensive....shower rod covers soundslike it is....where can i buy them how much are they? thanks
i block off all areas by putting cardboard orother things that make it impossible for the little rascals to get. ilearned the hard way though. i'm on my second VCR, and 3rd pair of headphones!

PuterGeekGirl wrote:
There are plastic wire protectors that are split so you canget the wires in easily. We got ours at Home Depot I believe.I've also heard of people using PVC pipe and aquarium tubing.
how much are the wire protectors....PVC piping and aquarium tubingdoesn't sound like it would be too expensive...do you know about howmuhc it is and where i could get some thanks.
Walmart, Target, Kmart? In the bath section I would assume.

As for the wire protectors I think it was a lil over 3 bucks a bag orso, at Home Depot, you could find them at Radio Shack, prolly Lowes orMenards if you have those.

PVC Pipe would be found at the same place and aquarium tubing most likely at a petstore.
You can get them at Wal-Mart... K Mart.. anystore that carries stuff for bathrooms.. in most cases they are under1.00... We just cut them to the lengths that we needed tocove the wires.

irishmist wrote:
You can get them at Wal-Mart... K Mart.. any store thatcarries stuff for bathrooms.. in most cases they are under1.00... We just cut them to the lengths that we needed tocove the wires.

i know this sounds stupid...but what exactly is a shower rod cover? thanks
It is a plastic cover that is slit down themiddle and you place it over your existing shower rod (the silver one)to change the colour to match your bathroom. Just look for along piece of plastic in the bathroom department.. easier yet ask thesales associate they will know what you are talking about
irishmist wrote:
It is a plastic cover that is slit down the middle and youplace it over your existing shower rod (the silver one) to change thecolour to match your bathroom. Just look for a long piece ofplastic in the bathroom department.. easier yet ask the sales associatethey will know what you are talking about
oh ok so its like hard plastic, great thanks!!!! thanks for all the help evryone

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