Bunny Personalities

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Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2006
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Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
It's funny now that I have two buns seeing howvery different their personalities are. I don't thinkFlower's hormones have kicked in at all yet, but the differences I'mthinking of are things that Maisie did B.H. (before hormones...lol).

For instance, from Day One, Maisie was REALLY insistant on where thingsshould go in her cage. She's just a tad agressive about justhow things are set up, and not only steps in the litterbox while I'mcleaning it, but also will step into (and sit down on) the scooper, ifI don't move fast enough! Another good example: I noticedthat Maisie was more prone to peeing in the other side of her top levelfrom where her litterbox has been sitting, so I moved that (and the hayrack had to follow, of course) last night. Well, this wasjust OUTRAGEOUS to Maisie, and she spent the whole night throwing afit, and trying to move everything back. When she figured outthey weren't budging (thanks to the binder clips that hold both to thecage), she took ALL the hay out of her hay rack and shoved it all overinto the area where it "should" be sitting!! We woke to herhay rack completely empty!! LOL!! We just diedlaughing it was so hilarious!! She's not mad or upset, mindyou, just PICKY as all GET GO!!

Switch to Flower...who hasn't even ATTEMPTED to move ANYTHING I've putin her cage. We actually did a little experiment today of notre-attaching her hay rack to see if she would move it. Butwhen I think about it, we've never attached her bottom floor litterbox,and it's never moved more than the inch it moves naturally during herrunning around Fun Time. Wherever I put it, that's where itstays. I even found her stretching out from her litterbox toget her pellet food from her bowl, because it was just a tad too far,but she didn't have the desire to move it even then!Lol!! So, I stuck my hand in (which she got SO HAPPYabout...the little Lover), and moved it over so she wouldn't have tostretch.

Another difference I've noticed and yesterday solved (to the happinessof both buns). Maisie likes her hay ONLY in her hay rack,whereas Flower prefers hay in BOTH the hayrack, and herlitterboxes. Yesterday, I put hay in both of theirlitterboxes, and this morning woke to Maisie's litterbox hay (in thebottom floor box) COMPLETELY cleaned out, and dumped on the floor ofher cage! Hehe!! Whereas Flower's has remained bothin her litterboxes, and her hayrack...and she seems even happier thanshe's been today. (I get the feeling from her of, "FINALLYshe figures it out!" LOL...

I find both sides of personality so adorable!! And if one orthe other changes in time (which I doubt...for both of them), okayfine. I love them both so much, and they both have theirspecial places in my heart (like the kitties). It's just sofun seeing different personalities and preferences. (Now,bear in mind, I don't expect Flower to always be so clean...she WILLhave hormones soon, after all!:?)

When I had just Maisie, I thought ALL bunnies were thatpicky! But now I find that buns each vary quite alot! It might be because Flower never HAD a choice about suchthings before, and thus doesn't think of it, but whatever! How fun!!

I've noticed the exact same thing with Devon andAmber. Amber sounds just like Maisie, she has to have everything herway. She wants you to know who's boss. And then take Devon, who soundsalot like Flower. He is very laid back, and he deals with whatever yougive him. We call him "our little pushover." Funny thing is, they getalong beautifully. Seriously, they are never more than two feet awayfrom each other; they're always laying down and grooming each other. Ilove seeing the different personalities, and I love both of themdearly:).
How adorable. I hope one day my twogirls will be snuggle bunnies. :) They seem to havepersonalities that will go together so nicely...but ya never know untilyou try, I guess! :)

bunnydude wrote:
I've noticed the exactsame thing with Devon and Amber. Amber sounds just like Maisie, she hasto have everything her way. She wants you to know who's boss. And thentake Devon, who sounds alot like Flower. He is very laid back, and hedeals with whatever you give him. We call him "our little pushover."Funny thing is, they get along beautifully. Seriously, they are nevermore than two feet away from each other; they're always laying down andgrooming each other. I love seeing the different personalities, and Ilove both of them dearly:).

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