Bunny Magic: The Simon and Olive Show

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JjGoesBounce wrote:
Well feel bettter! (notice three t's to speed up your speedy recovery)


Thanks, Jj. I don't feel sick, although I'm not going to put it past my boyfriend to give me the illness he has... I hope I don't succumb. That would truly be crappy.
URGAL! You are on your fith page already!
Maybe you'll feel better by reading my blog and posting a comment....
you know just a suggestion....
that you really should take...
there are no defiled eraser pics...
just a cute bunny...
and her lovable owner...
you should check it out...
there's a heated discussion on hazelnuts...
you know...
maybe now....

I am writing this on a bus-- so not the place I usually like to write. In fact, even on a smartphone, texting drives me nuts. But, I've got a long, boring busride and so should spend the time blogging about my bunnies. I don't know why I'm so obsessed with my bunnies lately. Maybe because they give me a sense of peace and joy I wouldn't ordinarily have. They are both a constant source of amusement as well as sometimes frustration as I tend to over analyze their motivations. Bunnies chew wicker furniture because it's fun, not because they're plotting world domination. Well, scratch that: I think many bunnies dream of dominating the world, and they certainly have carved out a spot in my heart for such adorable, mischievous and ultimately resilient little critters.

I hate shutting my bunnies away in the kitchen at night, so I've taken to dragging their pen in my room and having them frolick at night. I'm surprised they haven't woken me up yet. But it's such a pain to drag that x pen into my bedroom at night, and the hay gets all over the carpet... As if it doesn't in other areas of the house, but I digress.

I am glad I got Olive a friend. Next quarter will be rather busier, I'm afraid, and while I miss them when I'm at school, it feels pod to know they have each other.
Good for you!
And now, as I spiral ever more out-of-control with grandiose plans I can never hope to achieve, there is this thing: The photobug has bitten me. I'm trying to get some understanding of what my PowerShot A540 Canon does for me by playing around with some of the settings, and here are some of the results:. Olive and Simon were the unwilling participants.


This is what my woefully inept knowledge of the point and shoot features on my A5440 Canon PowerShot plus some fancy-dancy photobucket graphics can do for me--and you too, if you so choose to teach-yourself-a-hamfisted-version-of-beginner-photography . Yeah, the graphics are nice-- nothing crazy, but I feel like the framing and graphics livened up some pretty dull shots. Or else I've just been distracted by all the shiny pretty things in the pictures... :p

And now back to my regularly scheduled slack time about figuring out which new camera to buy... So very many decisions!

Beautiful! New pics are up on my blog!
Now we need a happy holidays love Simon!
I love love love Simon disapproving!
Looks like you're getting coal in your stocking.

I am such a n00b to photography, I can't believe I splurged and got this camera: Nikon 3100. I mean, what was I thinking, right? I'm really more of a point-and-shoot kinda girl, considering I know squat about photography (I'm slowly learning, though, by reading up on it) and my pictures always end up being kinda, well... blah.

It's funny, because I've been a knitter for years, and with no formal training, seem to come up with the most wonderful (if I do say so myself), eye catching, eye-pleasing arrangements of color whenever I create a blanket (lately of the mitered square flavor, for those of you who knit).

But photography? I can't frame a shot to save my life, and I really can't believe I bought a camera that's so darn intimidating (actually, it's not that bad; I just have to figure out what all the numbers mean and when to use them). A class would be helpful, but I just don't have the time or resources (ironically, because I bought a camera).

For example, I took about 100 pictures (or more) this afternoon of Olive and Simon, and this was the best shot I came up with.


Olive, eating hay. Big deal, right? Her lips aren't even doing that adorable thing bunny lips do when they're avidly chewing on a stem of hay. She looks blankly wary and a little annoyed. It is not even a good photo.

How in heck do people get such wonderful shots of their bunnies? Ah, the mysteries of blogging about bunnies...
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Well if you like my photos (which I doubt) I'm willing to help you with your "point and shoot" technique.
I'm a point and shoot girl but if I do say so myself the pictures come out rather well!

Aw! Very cute!

Well, I've had my camera (Nikon D3100) for a few days and we've finally got some nice weather, so what to do the bunnies do? Hide under the couch or the hearth ledge, of course, where it's impossible to get good photographs of them). Living in the PacNW, the days are quite short here as we approach the winter equinox (yay!) it's just impossible to get good shots at night, in low lighting... which is when my bunnies like to come out and play. During the day, they just... hide away.


Simon looking grumpy (and, I swear I'm cropping the photos in photobucket--and sometimes they show up cropped, and other times, not so much... can't figure out why).

NB: he was grumpy because I was grumpy. Digging under the couch is a big no-no around here. Actually, I hate the carpet, but I rent, so I must take care of the carpet. He doesn't actually shred the carpet, but it's a lousy habit he's gotten himself into. I had to break out the water spray bottle... which deterred him (until next time).

Evidence of his misbehavior:


And photographic proof bunnies have a distinct way of saying, "Go away, you bug me!"


The more mellow side of Simon:

And a pretty picture of Olive:

Yes, this one was cropped on photobucket, too. No idea why it doesn't show up as cropped on this BB... or maybe it will once it publishes? I don't know. I'm so behind the technological times.

Olive exploring:


Sniff, sniff:


Just a cute little shot of the (sometimes) sweet lil' gal:


What Olive thinks of photography skills (and I think so, too):


I have to say, even though I know squat about photography, I'm enjoying using my Nikon 3100 and only wish I had better photography skills and knowledge. How do people get such wonderful shots of their bunnies? I've taken literally hundreds in the last few days, and only a few are barely bloggable. It's sad, really. I have the fanciest camera I've ever owned, and still, my shots seem so blah.

I will say that despite my lack of mad photography skillz, the camera does a wonderful job despite my ineptitude. For example, the orange highlights on Olive's neck actually photograph quite well... before she just kind of looked like a brown blob... especially her face. It really captures her face well, too... so much more expression.

I really should be doing homework... one week of the quarter left and I'm distracting myself/ignoring work by photographing the bunnies. Tsk, tsk.

Awesome pictures! It doesn't matter the quality of your photo's just the heart and soul of what's inside them!
P.S. could you please please please read the latest entry in my blog! I need to know what you think so I can edit it if needed!
You write wonderfully and I just wanna write like that!

A pouty-looking Olive:


And both of them in chicken position, loafing:


Simon's eye looks funky (weepy) because I squirted him with the water gun a few times this morning for digging under the couch. I'm hoping he gets the message that digging = "Yuck, I get sprayed with water," and thus quits his annoying behavior.

Meanwhile, I'm trying to figure out Adobe Photoshop Elements 8 (I know, it's an older version, but a friend gave it to me when it was, you know, current, and I've just now felt like I wanted to play around with it. Except for the fact that Mighty Photoshop is not to be toyed with, and apparently people like me (read: without any Photoshop experience) need to take lessons in the darned thing in order to do anything with it.)

Ah well, anything to put off school work...