Bunny Love

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Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2006
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Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Question: Do your buns like to be petfrom their nose to their tail, down their back? Mine hunkerdown and practically fall asleep when I do it. It reallymakes them happy!!

Do yours like this, too?

(My kitties love being pet nose to tail, too...it's why I thought to do it in the first place. :))

I like to ask things like this every now and then to see if what minedo is a typical thing, or if it's a thing unique to mybabies'. :)
My boys have "tickle spots" around the middle oftheir backs. They prefer me to stroke their noses, cheeks andears. They "puddle" whenever I do that.

The girls don't usually like to be pet at all. I can only geta few strokes in and they run away and groom each other. :(

My bun Rodney loves being petted from his nose to his tail too. He grinds his teeth the most when I rub his butt :?.
Pepsi doesn't like her back touched. I usuallycuddle her with my cheeck or put my head on hers. She's always loves myhead being closed to her, even when she was just a little baby. Sheloves when I put my arm in her cage and she curls up to me and I put myhead over her and she just lays there until I move. My special littlebunny time :).
My lop, Babum and one Lionhead girl,Peppers,like to have their cheeks rubbed. WhileSkittles likes having under her chinscratched like acat. Babum and Peppers don't mind having their noses and upover their ears rubbed...but Skittles says .."No way!":D
Devon and Amber love that. They also love if youstroke them on the neck right behind their ears. Obviously we're verygentle, otherwise some real damage could occur.
I'm curious if any of you buy the RabbitsUSAannual mag. I get mine from PetSmart every year. Anyway,there's a big section in the 2006 one about something called Ttouch.It's a method of "massage" created by a woman who worked with animalswho had been mistreated. It's suppose get your animals to relax,promote healthy cell growth.. among other things. Thought some of youmight be interested in finding out about this. Check it out. :cool:
I got that mag myself, which is how I found thisfabulous site! Havent had the time to sit with Holly and attempt any ofthat stuff. She doesnt let us hold her for that long. Of course it hasto be done on her time limits.
My Peanut really seems happy when I rub its belly and side a bit.

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