Cadbury continues to improve, thankfully. He isstill on baytril, I give him about .5 cc every other day. He is still abit dizzy at times, but is going strong, trying very hard to recover!
I am no longer going to take him to the same vet, I honestly believeshe doesn't know anything about rabbits, and it is my belief that shehas been consulting over the phone w/ another vet... Then she tells meshe doesn't want to treat him anymore, and I should take him to the vetthat she has been consulting with.. who is in Tampa, which is 1 hr 3omins away.
I made an appointment for Cad to see this very nice vet. I spoke withhim on the phone & he explained everything, and is willing tolook at Cad, and help where he can. I will be taking Cad's entire fileand x-rays w/ me, he alos said it is not necessary to take Cad to Tampab/c that vet couldn't possible do anything different.
I will let you know how the appointment goes. It's scheduled for next week.
Thanks everyone for being so thoughtful, concerned, and helpful

Cad & I really appreciate it!