Hi, This is a great website. I just discovered it thanks to someone from another website 
Cadbury is a dutch bunny, who is 3 years old. Yesterday he started to fall over, lose his balance when he walks. So I took him to the vet right away. The vet took swabs of his ear, and said it was normal, and gave him Baytril, but didn't give me an explanation or cause...
Today he isn't doing much better, won't eat, drink, or use the litterbox, he also has a lack of energy... I hate seeing him like this.
I calledthe vet backand she told me they want to do an X-ray of his brain to determine if he has problems in his inner or middle ear if that's why he is losing his balance, and possible surgery.
Someone from anothersitementioned it could be wry neck. I have looked this up onlineand yes my bunny is showing some symptoms but not all. Like I said it started yesterday, and I hope it won't get worse.
Has anyone experienced this problem with their bunny? What suggestions do you have for me?
Thanks a lot!
Cadbury is a dutch bunny, who is 3 years old. Yesterday he started to fall over, lose his balance when he walks. So I took him to the vet right away. The vet took swabs of his ear, and said it was normal, and gave him Baytril, but didn't give me an explanation or cause...
Today he isn't doing much better, won't eat, drink, or use the litterbox, he also has a lack of energy... I hate seeing him like this.
I calledthe vet backand she told me they want to do an X-ray of his brain to determine if he has problems in his inner or middle ear if that's why he is losing his balance, and possible surgery.
Someone from anothersitementioned it could be wry neck. I have looked this up onlineand yes my bunny is showing some symptoms but not all. Like I said it started yesterday, and I hope it won't get worse.
Has anyone experienced this problem with their bunny? What suggestions do you have for me?
Thanks a lot!