Bunny litter training questions

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New Member
May 2, 2012
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Quebec, , Canada
My girlfriend and I adopted an adolescent female dwarf rabbit a few weeks ago from a lady who took it in after her initial family didn't want her anymore (I think they bought it for their kid and 2 weeks in the kid stopped caring). We don't know her specific age but she hasn't reached sexual maturity yet.

So far, she's been very respectful and caring: she hasn't tried chewing and tearing anything in the house, altough we have hardwood on the floors and long drapes. She also doesn't care about eletrical wires, not that we have any exposed. We let her loose about 5-6 hours a day (I work from home) and she will always go pee in her litterbox which is in her cage. Same thing with her poop: if she is outside of her cage, she will go in her cage to do it or to the assigned "outside" litterbox (or close enough to it, she's still in training after all!).

The problem is when she is in her cage for the night or during meals. We put her hay tray next to her litterbox so when she eats hay, she does her business at the right place. But her granules are at the other end of the cage, so when she eats that, she just poops all over. We've been religiously taking all of her droppings 5-6 times a day and putting them in her litterbox but to no avail. If she's eating her granules, she just goes right there on the plastic and THEN she goes in the litterbox for some hay. It worries us from an hygiene perspective because she just loves spooning with her food bowl and it's the only place she sleeps.

Would putting her bowl closer or even IN the litterbox be an option ? The box is big enough for it to fit.

Thanks !
It would be tempting to put the bowl in the litter box, but then it'd never change & I don't think nearer would help. If it's just poops outside the box, I wouldn't worry too much.

Welcome to the forum.

PS I assume by granules you mean pellets. Just a bit of semantics that could be confusing.
Thanks for the quick reply. Yeah, I meant pellets: English is my second language so I sometimes do not know how things are called.
im a newbie to this. i have a 6mo. she has a cage and we have blocked a corner of th3e room for her to roam. she has a liter box in her cage but refuses to use it. she pudlies all over her running space not only in corners either. how do i get her to reconize the litter box?

i also notice she chews on the carpet which i know is not good. what should i get to put down as floor instead.