Bunny Kisses?

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YEAH!!! Lol...I get a couple ofnose-bumps and plenty of cuddles from Flower-the-rescue-bun, but not somuch from Maisie. Flower's been known to literally lay rightnext to my belly when I lay on the ground (like she's trying to "spoon"with me), which I LOVE. She likes to lay so she can rest herhead on my elbow (I'm usually propping my head up with my hand, andthus have my arm bent) and be as close to me as possible.Maisie's done this a couple of times, but most of the time if shedoesn't get constant lovin', she just won't come out of hercage! Lol...stinky bunny!

I figure eventually I'll get kisses from Flower. She's such alittle Lovey Dovey, I'm actually surprised she hasn'talready! Though, there are a few things I notice about herthat she doesn't do, and I think it's because of growing up in the badway she did initially. I think it prohibited natural bunnytendencies...does that make sense?

MyBabyBunnies wrote:
What am I? Dirt to my bunnies... I never get kisses.
MyBabyBunnies wrote:
(12*C/54*F in February!)
54 degrees is WARM???

Anyways! The salt thing likely comes from some of the smalleranimals. Often things like Hamsters will lick your hands ifyou've recently been handling some of their food like Sunflowerseeds. The salts get stuck to your hand a bit and, if you'relike my sister's hamster, you LOVE sunflower seeds. It's theonly time the thing licks me is when I've handled some.

Not 100% sure this is true though. However from experience it would seem to be (for Hamsters not rabbits).
Erm... yes, 54*F in February is hot by ourstandards. We normally get between -20*C/-4*F to -30*C/-22*F inFebruary. To be honest, -10*C/14*F is warm to me in February!

Anyways, it's not because of salt because if you wash your hands andyour bunny licks you right afterwards, there is next to no salt on yourhands. It's definitely your rabbit grooming you. Although there isstill some people who refuse to believe it's a sign of affection (likemy dad).
Smelly mostly slobbered on my arm.He'd drink waterand eat then in his feeling of fullness wouldrest on my arm and make it wet.

MyBabyBunniesyou should move to where I used to live and play soccer in 125*F hottness. :)
Awww, i feel special then! As i usually get alittle kissing/purring session once a day. I was just curious to see ifit was more of a "dominance" thing (like many of you said, "oi! petme!" or if it was a looking up to you kinda thing.
In February here, it's usually around 0* F. I'dtake 54 any day! We didn't get our last snow this year until April22nd... and it was only 11 degrees that day. In most states, by thenit's already starting to look like summer! And our snow hasn't evenmelted yet :(
Jess_sully wrote:
We didn't get our last snow this year until April 22nd...and it was only 11 degrees that day. In most states, by then it'salready starting to look like summer! And our snow hasn't even meltedyet :(
We didn't get any lasting snowuntil Febuary or March, highlyunusual for Canada. We still had some green grass in December.:shock:But I do remember getting a snow in Junebefore, so consider April lucky!Two years agoIplayed soccer and we were playing a game while it was snowing in May,LOL. And last year I was already contending with icy water bowls inearly August!
Michaela wrote:
Berri always pushes her head under my hand to make me pether, she's doing it right now! She is obsessed with gettingpetted!:bunnydance:

That's Trixie! I can't touch her without her instantly "melting" intothe ground for a good pet! She has NEVER licked me, not even once!Hmmph!:X
I've never been in the snow before. I've been is snow temperatures with no snow.

Well that's half true. One time I was inside and didn'tnotice it snowing (same area that had 125*F hottness). Istayed in and my family got home and told me about the snow.I rushed out but it was too late. It had melted and smellywas hanging in his hutch. Supposedly my neighbors madesnowmen but everything melted really fast.
MyBabyBunnies wrote:
Erm... yes, 54*F in February is hot by our standards. Wenormally get between -20*C/-4*F to -30*C/-22*F in February. To behonest, -10*C/14*F is warm to me in February!

Anyways, it's not because of salt because if you wash your hands andyour bunny licks you right afterwards, there is next to no salt on yourhands. It's definitely your rabbit grooming you. Although there isstill some people who refuse to believe it's a sign of affection (likemy dad).
That's the type of weather us Minnesotans get. A few years ago at theend of January it got to be -45 degrees f. :shock:Somehomeless people dyed because they got drunk and passed out. (Thehomeless shelter doesn't let them come in if they are drunk, but i'msure they would have made an exception.) By the way never give themmoney. Most of them just blow it on alchohol. They get all the foodthey need at homeless shelters. My dad had a homeless friend who toldhim all the stories of homeless people.

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