Bunny Kisses?

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Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2006
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In A Tree, Kent, , United Kingdom
Hi, i was just curious, when a rabbit licks youis it saying "you're my wife, let me groom you" or is it moreaffectionate like "i love you, have a kiss".

Will was just licking my arm :D

P.s or is it "Mmm.. i like th salt from your skin!"
It's a sign of affection (but not marriage ;)).He's grooming you which means he loves you and it also means your notthe bottom of the totem pole. For instance -- my bunnies will groomeach other but not me... I am teh bottom of the totem pole, LOL.
My two bossy girls (Mocha and Sprite) that don'talways let me touch them (especially Sprite) are the most likely togroom me. Sprite once spent 5 minutes licking myeyebrow!:shock: When Mocha grooms me or jumps on my back, herfavorite game, she acts like she's ordering me around. Spritealso jumps on me a lot and she's starting to demand it too.The two cuddle buns, Loki and Fey, are the least likely to lick me orjump on me.

I think my rabbits have it backwards.:craziness
Contrary to what some people will try to tellyou, ifa bunny licks or kisses you, it's a sign of affection,not for the salt on your skin. I'm not sure how that myth got started,but it was probably from someone not too fond of rabbits. You shouldfeel blessed :D
What am I? Dirt to my bunnies... I never get kisses. Wait, nevermind, my bunnies LIKE dirt... ;)
All three of my bunnies lick me! Aww they mustlove me:DPebble and Ebony wash each other and they washBerri, but Berri NEVER washes them! Does this mean she seesherself as the boss or something?
lol...my boyfriend gets mad bc Max and Basil (mytwo cuddle buns) will both lick me. Only Max will lick him (he raisedMax) and Basil refuses to lick him.

I think he is jealous of Basil (my heart bunny)..he says Basil doesntrespect him! ha. Its so funny because Basil will be sitting therelicking away at my hand andthe boyfriendwill puthis hand under Basil's face (trying to trick him) and Basil still wontlick!

Its great. But I do love those kisses!
It really is an affection/grooming thing.Nibbles was pretty nippy until recently (bossy nips, as opposed to "Putme down!" or "I'm scared!" - those are different). then all of a suddenshe started licking me, and will sometimes jump on me and start lickingmy arm.

Usually, though, it's an "I demand that you pet me" thing, where sheshoves her head under my hand, then is willing to lick my hand for afew secs, then shoves her head under my hand.... etc. ;)

pinksalamander, have you taken a look at this site? It's about rabbitbehavior and communication, with a good deal on grooming:http://www.muridae.com/rabbits/rabbittalk.html
MyBabyBunnies wrote:
What am I? Dirt to my bunnies... I never get kisses.
Don't feel bad, MBB. Mine usually refuse to kiss me,too. Snuggy has NEVER once kissed me, but that'sokay.

I'm glad when I rememberthat they eat their cecals directly from "the source".


Berri always pushes her head under my hand tomake me pet her, she's doing it right now! She is obsessed with gettingpetted!:bunnydance:
Laura wrote:
MyBabyBunnies wrote:
What amI? Dirt to my bunnies... I never get kisses.
Don't feel bad, MBB. Mine usually refuse to kiss me,too. Snuggy has NEVER once kissed me, but that'sokay.

I'm glad when I rememberthat they eat their cecals directly from "the source".

Don't worry I've never had kisses off my girls in the4 and a half years I've had them!:disgust: Well actually, they did giveme kisses once, when I came back from holiday once and went straightout too see them, andthey started licking my hands. They'venever done it since though!:rollseyes:
MyBabyBunnies wrote:
What am I? Dirt to my bunnies... I never get kisses.
Aww... Pebbles will give you kisses.
She is a licking machine,andwill tug at your clothestogive kisses.
On occasion, she does nip my wife, but never me. :bunnyheart

Rainbows! :D
Tootsie is the only one of my 8 that giveskisses on a regular basis,.....but only through the cage/pen wires. Ifyou put your face against her cage/pen you'll get non-stop kisses.Climb inside her pen and she won't kiss at all.
The other buns give occasional kisses, but not very often.
Cocoa, the bunnythat we are bunnysitting rightnow, will give me an occasionalkiss.
But that is to make up for thetime she peed allover me when I heldher on my lap for petting.

Rainbows! :D
Laura wrote:
I'mglad when I rememberthat they eat their cecals directly from"the source".

LOL, I really don't care about kisses. I mean it would be nice to knowI'm loved once in a while but hey, I have to come to terms with thefact that I'm just their slave. ;)And I mean, I'm justoverjoyed that Zoey lets me touch her now, LOL, I'm easy to please.

I have gotten kisses ONCE from Spice last February. I wasoutsidesitting withhim on a very warm day(12*C/54*F in February!) and I was some what upset about something.Well he waltzes over and to my shock, he starts kissing the back of myhand! I about died of shock. Why? Becuase in the 3.5 and a half yearsof owning him, he has only ever given me kisses that one time.
I guess I'm lucky that Dusty grooms me. I openhis cage and sit in front ofit and he comes and jumps in mylap and licks my arms all over. Then when he gets bored with it he hopsdown and runs around or plays with his toys.
MyBabyBunnies wrote:
I have gotten kisses ONCE from Spice last February. I wasoutsidesitting withhim on a very warm day(12*C/54*F in February!) and I was some what upset about something.Well he waltzes over and to my shock, he starts kissing the back of myhand! I about died of shock. Why? Becuase in the 3.5 and a half yearsof owning him, he has only ever given me kisses that one time.
I sincerely believe animals pick up on our emotions and certainly know when we are upset.

I had a friend who used to fight a lot with her fiance. Theyhad a Golden Retriever who would go to the person who was most upsetand try to comfort them. She said he could always tell whichone of them was getting "beat up" the most.

All our bunns will give us kisses (except thenew boy Socks...he will lick hands and fingers that's all).Skittles will groom your foreheadif you lay with your head ather feet...she is afterall the Queen! Peppy will lickyour fingers right off if you let her and she loves to give 'love' nipstoo, if you're very lucky she will give your nose a quickkiss. Only occasionally will she kiss your face.Bummy LOVES to give kisses!:D He is my baby!He will give me kisses all over my face and noseand groom myeyebrows for me!He just started trying to kiss Tony but Ithink he is put off by all the stubble! LOL:D Dandi is theleast demonstrative of the bunns. Buteven he latelyhas started giving kisses. He looks kind of unsure about thewhole thing at first and then settles right in!:) He is moreof a forehead bunny though!:D

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