Bunny just left a pile for hubby..

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Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2006
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Blah~Central, Illinois, USA
Omg, so funny! I haven't posted about him, Snuffy, in so long. Hubby feeds him at night. While petting him, he left a nice, big pile o'poos, lol!!!:p

He's been real good, but most recently, he's been pooing all over his cage. Peed last night while cleaning his litterbox, had to give him a buttbath, his whole bottom was wet.

Crazy bun.
my fluffers do that to me all the time. right after i sweep out their cage and get it all clean and neat one of the buns will go check it out and never fail to leave their "approval" in a pile....come to think of it maybe they are giving me their DISAPPROVAL lol:headsmack
Love your comments guys, thanks, lol.

Now, I have a new/old issue that has returned! He's peeing all over his cage again! He has a clean litterbox, and has had about 4 or more pee episodes tonight. We even cleaned the flooring of his cage and layed down newspaper. I honestly don't think it's a uti, as like last time. Can't understand what his problem is!:grumpy:

I was thinking it was the litter and he doesn't like it on his feet, but I've been using the same litter forever, why just the last 4 days? He is also pooing all over the cage. This is what I noticed first. Ugh! I had to give him a butt bath earlier tonight:expressionless.

Edited to add: Hubby just had a great thought. Since he has cataracts, I filled his litterbox a bit too full, so maybe he thinks, since he's sitting up higher in it, like when it was dirty, that could be why?...Hmm. So, I'm gonna change it out again tomorrow and also get back his Yesterdays News and mix that and this stuff we use now, the generic Pine stuff.:rollseyes

Oh! Has anyone seen those commercials for Worlds Best Litter that is corn? I know that is bad for buns as far as them eating it, but he wouldn't eat it. Hubby wonders if this would be good?
Well, we've gotten him a new, bigger literbox where he is fed in. He's already peed out of it. Coming to the conclusion that he is becoming incontinent...:(. He is acting fine, eating tons, even pooping in his box, just not always peeing in it.
Also, he's got new sore hocks. Called the vet today to ask about possibly getting some Metacam, they would rather see him, esp since it has to be dosed off his weight. Then, I asked about using Gold Bond Powder on the hocks and if it was similiar to Bag Balm. After calling me back, the vet did not recommend using either for fear of ingesting it, but instead do an Epsom Salt soak. Now, I've not heard of that. That is what we did tonight. My poor baby.
Poor little guy. How old is he now? Has the vet checked for a UTI or done a blood test for kidney issues? Does he have any trouble getting into or out of the box? You may need to cut one side lower, in case he is having arthritis issues.

Bag Balm is just lanolin and wouldn't cause any problems if Snuff licks it off. Plain cornstarch could be used to dry out wet fur.
I wouldn't think that the world's best litter would be a safe idea for a rabbit. Yes they may not ingest it, but just in case they do it is a clumping litter. I use it for the cats and love it, but not for the bun.
naturestee wrote:
Poor little guy. How old is he now? Has the vet checked for a UTI or done a blood test for kidney issues? Does he have any trouble getting into or out of the box? You may need to cut one side lower, in case he is having arthritis issues.

Bag Balm is just lanolin and wouldn't cause any problems if Snuff licks it off. Plain cornstarch could be used to dry out wet fur.
Thanks Angela. He's about 8 by my estimate. He doesn't have any trouble jumping around or getting in or out of the "new" box, which is a bit higher on the end than his last one. Haven't done the vet thing yet. I am honestly thinking he's a) being lazy or/and b) becoming incontinent.

He's eager to start beating on his cage at 6am still, waiting to be fed, lol. So, that's a good thing.;)
MiniLopHop wrote:
I wouldn't think that the world's best litter would be a safe idea for a rabbit. Yes they may not ingest it, but just in case they do it is a clumping litter. I use it for the cats and love it, but not for the bun.
That stuff is expensive! We went and got the Yesterday's News and mix with the stuff I've been using, pine litter.:)

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