My bunny is 1 1/2 yrs old and was spayed a year ago. She's really sweet and affectionate and generally a good girl. The only time she growls and tries to bite my hand is if I try to get her in her carrier (by gently and quickly pushing her in) to take her outdoors for playtime (which she loves because she gets to eat grass and feel the breeze) or if I try to take her back inside the house by getting her in the carrier. In the past she used to resist but would never growl/bite. Now she's discovered that growling/biting works to keep me from making her go in the carrier. I know maybe she associates the carrier with going to the vet (rare) or getting put on the table for nail clipping or grooming (which is pretty painless and easy). She's so cute but when she gets aggressive it's actually scary :sigh: I've tried putting treats in or near the carrier but she's smart enough not to fall for the trap. She'll actually run away as soon as I take out the carrier. Anyone know how to deal with an angry bunny? It's just frustrating when I'm trying to get her to go home after playtime.