I would really recommend a course of panacur. Sometimes antibiotics can get rid of head tilt, and you caught it early, but the protazoan parasite that causes the condition is very hard to kill both in the bunny's system and in bun's environment. It lives in their urinary tract, but sheds spores every thirty days, when this happens it spreads to other systems, including the brain and can cause paralysis or death, when it gets in the ears it causes infections, which throw off the rabbit's balance and make their heads tilt. Antibiotics cure the infection, but the underlying problem may still be there. If you have any concerns at all, or are as crazy paranoid about your rabhit as I am about mine, then get some panacur (from the vets or online, it's not even expensive) and do a 28 day course of that. Most rabbits you can just pop it on someting they love to eat and they'll chow down (it's a white paste) or squirt it in their mouth. It's also used for worming rabbits, so it's frequently used with few side effects. i nearly lost my bunny from this a couple of months ago, and e.c is hard to get out of their system entirely. Lex lost use of his front, then his back legs, and he's only just back to 95%