Bunny has a really hard time moving

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New Member
Jul 20, 2012
Reaction score
West Palm Beach, Florida, USA

I am new to these forums. I've decided to join because one of my rabbits, Dusty to be exact, has just started having a problem with one of his front paws about 2 days ago. And since this morning, it seems like he is waddling to get around; all of his legs seem to have a hard time moving. He can't stand anymore.. but he can somehow make it up to a 5 inch platorm where he lays.

He is about 6 or 7 years old, neutered, tortoise shell colored rabbit. He's never really had any problems in the past, besides some dandruff looking skin thing going on, but that cleared up shortly (this was about 2-3 years ago). We feed all four of our bunnies fresh salads every morning, including salad, carrots, dandilions, parsley, cilantro. We keep them stocked with hay and pellets every day, as well as water. They live in seperated pens in my back porch (which is enclosed and air-conditioned. Bun Bun and Klover live together in one pen, while Hazel and Dusty live in their own. Hazel had a boyfriend named Fiver who died a couple years ago from bladder sludge (a painful death resulting in whining over night). We've been to several vets before, one for Hazel and her E. Cuniculi eye cataract problem.. and lots of visits for Fiver (one vet gave us the wrong treatment plan for months, and then finally told us that it WAS the wrong treatment they were giving him, and as we were going through the second treatment plan, he died over night).

Anyway, what do you think could be wrong with Dusy? Any ideas? :(
It could be a number of things. Arthritis maybe wouldn't be this quick to get worse.

I really think this is a problem for a vet, ASAP.
He may have developed E.C himself now that he's a bit older - his immune system might not be what it was and it's so contagious that chances are if one of your buns has had it, they may all be carriers. Only my Lex developed symptoms, but I'm sure he must have caught it off of one of my rescue rabbits - neither of whom ever developed it even though they're all in close contact. I'd get dusty on the Panacur asap in case it's that - if it's not it won't do him any harm, but if it is you want to catch it before it does too much permanant damage. Good luck! Hope bunny feels better x

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