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I had gotten this baby bunny two weeks ago and in the beginning he had some pooping issue but after I gave him some gas medicine he started pooping again. So today I folded and got him a sibling from the same person who gave me this one and I can’t help but notice how different their sizes are and the quality of the white ones fur. Apparently they came from the same litter and got off the mothers milk at the same time too. The original owner fed them kaytee pellets and timothy hay. I have been feeding the white one oxford young rabbit pellet and oxford alfalfa hay because I heard its better for younger bunnies. I also always gave the white one water and let him out to run around daily when he’s awake and back inside the cage when he’s asleep. He hops around like normal and is very curious and happy but I’m wondering why is there such a size different and fur quality difference if they came from the same litter with two weeks apart. Is the black one obese? Or just very healthy
Is there anything I can change up in the white ones diet to help it regain the fur quality it once had? Theyre a little over two months old (probably 2 months and 2 weeks)
Is there anything I can change up in the white ones diet to help it regain the fur quality it once had? Theyre a little over two months old (probably 2 months and 2 weeks)