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Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2006
Reaction score
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Hey guys! What a wonderfulmorning! My husband and I went to visit the bunny shelterwhere Flower was checked out after bringing the little guyhome. Their bunnies are so friendly! They have asection called the Bunny Pen, where The Herd lives. There aresomething like ten rabbits living in this really large pen, and theyare all very friendly with each other. While we were waitingfor the main lady to get there, the girl that was feeding the buns,etc. said I could go into the pen and hang out with the buns.They were all so friendly and curious!! A few of them (themost friendly ones) kept running over, and one was happy to let me pether. They had this little dutch girl bunny that was moreenergetic than the others that kept running over, barely letting metouch her nose, and then hopping off. It was cute..it becamea game. :) It was so fun to just sit in a pen withso many different bunnies. So different than seeing our bunsin their separate houses and such. I felt like Snow Whitewith so many buns around me! :D

Anyway, we bought our buns a couple of wire balls that they can grabonto and throw around, and bought Flower a hard plastic toy that hasbells in it that he can throw around (we didn't buy Maisie more thanthe ball because she already has another ball, and loads of stuff toplay with). We also bought them some apple branches (which isthe thing they were most interested right off the bat).:) Pictures of their new toys are below:

Here's the wire ball...

Here's Flower's new toy (it's item C):

They've both already rolled around the balls, and Flower's beenchecking out the bell toy a lot. Maisie rolled the ball downher ramp, and got SO EXCITED!! It was so adorable!!:)

maherwoman wrote:
It was so fun to just sit in a pen with so many differentbunnies. So different than seeing our buns in their separatehouses and such. I felt like Snow White with so many bunsaround me! :D
Aw, I'll bet that was a blast!

Glad to hear the fur kids liked their new toys!


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