New Member
I have 2 male rabbits that are from the same litter. I've had them since they were a few months old and arranged for them to be neutered at the earliest possible time (5 months old) about 3 weeks before they went in they were humping, circling and nipping each other occasionally, but not being very aggressive. They went into the vets together and were fine living with each other for just over 2 months until I came down one morning and there was fur everywhere and dexter had bitten and torn open thumpers ear almost to the central vein and dexter had a couple of bites to the face. The vet tried to use surgical glue to stick the ear back together but unfortunately this failed but the tear has healed ok.
I originally had a 2 tier hutch with a large fixed run attached that I built, after the fight I built a second storey on the run and split the hutch into 2.
I also have a couple of large runs that I put on the lawn, where they can play along side each other, after a while they seemed to be more friendly with each other and were sitting next to each other through the bars so I decided to try and reintroduce them in a mutual area but they immediately broke out into a very aggressive fight.
I have a couple of questions.... Do you think it's worth trying to rebond them or do you think it's just going to cause them more stress than good?
Secondly I am building a new even bigger enclosure at some point, would it be worth giving them an area where they can see/interact with each other but with wire mesh between to protect them from fighting?
Many thanks xx
I have 2 male rabbits that are from the same litter. I've had them since they were a few months old and arranged for them to be neutered at the earliest possible time (5 months old) about 3 weeks before they went in they were humping, circling and nipping each other occasionally, but not being very aggressive. They went into the vets together and were fine living with each other for just over 2 months until I came down one morning and there was fur everywhere and dexter had bitten and torn open thumpers ear almost to the central vein and dexter had a couple of bites to the face. The vet tried to use surgical glue to stick the ear back together but unfortunately this failed but the tear has healed ok.
I originally had a 2 tier hutch with a large fixed run attached that I built, after the fight I built a second storey on the run and split the hutch into 2.
I also have a couple of large runs that I put on the lawn, where they can play along side each other, after a while they seemed to be more friendly with each other and were sitting next to each other through the bars so I decided to try and reintroduce them in a mutual area but they immediately broke out into a very aggressive fight.
I have a couple of questions.... Do you think it's worth trying to rebond them or do you think it's just going to cause them more stress than good?
Secondly I am building a new even bigger enclosure at some point, would it be worth giving them an area where they can see/interact with each other but with wire mesh between to protect them from fighting?
Many thanks xx