Bunny behavior

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Mar 28, 2005
Reaction score
Sunnyvale, California, USA
I just wanted to let you knowthat I appreciate all the help and advice everyone has given me on mybunny!! It is really nice of all of you to take time out ofyour day to write to me :) I am really very new to this bunnystuff and I just want to make sure I am doing everythingright. I am trying my best to get my bunny litter trained andneed alot of help knowing what to do. I have a litter box(filled with pellets) in his/her cage and change it everyday.I would love to be able to have my bunny come and go and he/she pleasesbut I am worried that he/she will go potty somewhere and I won't knowabout it. The poopoo I can deal with...does anyone have anyhelpful hints I could use? Thanks so much!!Joann
Hey Joann. Sounds like you are a GREATbaby wabbit's mamma. ;) You seem to be doing wellcaring for your new bun. I would love to let my buns come andgo as they please, but I am new to the bunny scene too. I'vebeen told that it is not a good idea to give them free-run unsupervisedas they could get into some trouble (even in a bunny-proofedroom). Just one suggestion that I can share that reallyhelped me, I got two extra litter boxes (in addition to the one intheir hutch) and I put one in each of their favorite corners.I leave them there (unless I am cleaning them out). When theycome out to run around the house, I put them directly from theircage/hutch into the litterbox. Then I let them come out ofthe litterbox on their own. They do well and only hadaccidents when I first started training them. My female isacting strange, though since her spay the other day. Justremember to be paitent. :)
This is a great place, isn't it?

I just use a dustpan or the vacuum to sweep up poops. For pee spots onthe carpet I highly recommend the hand-held Bissell cleaner.:)

Good luck!