Alright, you asked for it... I may have to split these up into separate posts. I plan on doing the rest of ours and the ones that we also have up for adoption or have adopted out. This is going to be a lot of buns...
This is Flynn, a Holland Lop that I got from a friend of ours. She may not be a real rescue, but she sure is a lesson in what kind of commitment a bun owner needs. She has cost over $1,700 in vet bills due to a hip surgery. She's proof that big bills can pop up with no warning and hit you hard. But she has been totally worth it.
Jabberwocky came from a breeder in Illinois. The only reason we went to a breeder for him and our other boy Peace is because they are a special breed (Belgian Hare) and we wanted one, but there are no rescue Belgian's to be found, mostly because their numbers are around 200 in the States right now, and we know of only a few in Canada.
Peace, from the same breeder as Jabberwocky.
Popcorn came from a friend, he's a fantastic bun with tons of spunk and personality. Unfortuanatly he only likes my Mom so I don't get to cuddle him often, but he's a very good rabbit.
Willow, our 7 1/2 year old boy. He was only our second rabbit when we really didn't know what we were doing and he unfortuanatly came from Petland. Funny story for him, though, since we actually got him free. We witnessed someone abusing the animals in a Petland chain and the staff did nothing to step up and stop them, so we called as high up in Petland as we could. To, I suppose, shut us up, they said if we ever saw anything in their stores that we ever wanted, we could have it free of charge. So, we got Willow. While at the time we didn't know much, we're very lucky to have him and thankfully he is doing very well in his coming on senior years.
Star came from another friend. We seem to get a lot of bunnies from friends. He was from a litter she had.
Frost, our first bunny who has unfortuanatly passed away, was a backyard breeder bunny and a big learning experience for us in the world of bunnies. Everything we are today with rabbits is owed to this beautiful girl.
Alright, and now into buns that we have rescued and either are rehoming, or have rehomed!
Casper, who is currently looking for a home, showed up with his sister from the lady we board our horses with. She was at a livestock auction when a guy showed up with 5 boxes of bunnies, 2 in each box, and left them there for people to pick over. These two were left and were going to be left in the building when they were picked up and brought to us.
Nemo, Casper's sister, who is also looking for a home!
Lucy (Now Bunnita!) was adopted from us. She was a surrender from a lady that had her for a number of years and was moving so she could no longer take her with her. She is 5 1/2 years old.
Daisy, a classic "got a pet for the kids and they got bored" case. She has since been adopted out and is now extremely spoiled!
Trixie was a surrender from a woman that had been pet sitting her for a friend, only for the friend to move and never come back for her.
Nermal was a surrender from a very irresponsible situation where rabbits were breeding uncontrollably in a house and they wanted to be rid of her. We got Nermal and contacted the Humane Society. The situation has since been taken care of, from what we understand.
Tilly is one of our newer surrenders and is currently up for adoption. He came from a woman who was stuck with him when her son dumped him on her. Her son and his girlfriend wanted a "pretend baby" to raise to see how they could handle having a child together. We see how that turned out, considering he was dumped after a few months
Denny and Cass are the newest surrenders, a bonded pair that lived in an older couples back yard. We took them in when we were called out of the blue one morning by a woman, she was threatening that if we didn't come pick them up, they would dump them. They were even considering taking them to Canmore so the problem would be taken care of. For those people who do not know, the situation in Canmore for feral rabbits is very bad, they are currently being gassed. So they were willing to have their rabbits captured and gassed rather then take care of them.
Ashton came from the same place as Spyro and Wallaby. He has been adopted and is living a very spoiled life.
Thumper, who is also Buttercup's mother! She has unfortuanatly passed away but was living with a very good family.
Nova came from a surrender from a neglectful situation. This pic is right after we picked him up and you can tell from his nails how little they cared for him
Muggle (Renamed Wall-E) was adopted out. Another case of people getting a pet store bun and getting rid of them when they just don't care anymore.
Kit, along with another rabbit we got at the same time Kat, was actually from a neighbor of ours who had a boa constrictor. He tried feeding it live but it wouldn't eat the 3 week old bunnies, so he called me over to see if I wanted to take him. Her "brother" (We have no idea if they were related, of course) was sitting on the snakes head! They had gone days without food and were in rough shape. Luckily they pulled through well.
Kat, Kit's "brother".
I have more if you want them!