Well-Known Member
I woke up this morning and went to Kirby's room to feed him... I saw him with something like a noodle hanging out of his mouth. We both gave each other 2 seconds to stare. Then I realized it was carpet fiber!!! I rushed to unlock the fence and was going to wrestle it out of his mouth but he saw me coming and quickly gobbled it up before I could get to him. UGH!!!!!!! :grumpy:
Hubby said he saw bunny do that the day before but he caught the fiber in time before he swallowed. A few days ago I saw what looked like a rather long string of hairy fibers connecting 3 poopie pellets in his litter box. My bunny's a satin so he doesn't have long hair. I found it strange to see hair in his poop as I've never seen him have any before and not that long for sure! Now it all makes sense. He's been eating carpet!
He's had this area rug/carpet for weeks and he's never had a problem with it. Sadly this morning I rolled it back up and put it away... Kirby doesn't like to walk on the hardwood floor so now he has a smaller space to play on (we have some smaller shorter fiber floor mats). I don't understand. He has had the same area rug for a while and just suddenly he started to find so much interest in eating it? He still hasn't pooped out the fiber that I saw him ate at 8:00AM and it's 11:40PM... I think their digestive cycles are much shorter than 12 hours. Why hasn't he pooped it out yet?
Kirby is moving around very regularly, doesn't seem to be in pain or otherwise abnormal at all. But I am worried... He loves to eat those timothy fuzzy heads and the softer hay. I'm about to go dig through our bin of hay and hand-pick some pieces just so he'll eat some more today...
Hubby said he saw bunny do that the day before but he caught the fiber in time before he swallowed. A few days ago I saw what looked like a rather long string of hairy fibers connecting 3 poopie pellets in his litter box. My bunny's a satin so he doesn't have long hair. I found it strange to see hair in his poop as I've never seen him have any before and not that long for sure! Now it all makes sense. He's been eating carpet!
He's had this area rug/carpet for weeks and he's never had a problem with it. Sadly this morning I rolled it back up and put it away... Kirby doesn't like to walk on the hardwood floor so now he has a smaller space to play on (we have some smaller shorter fiber floor mats). I don't understand. He has had the same area rug for a while and just suddenly he started to find so much interest in eating it? He still hasn't pooped out the fiber that I saw him ate at 8:00AM and it's 11:40PM... I think their digestive cycles are much shorter than 12 hours. Why hasn't he pooped it out yet?
Kirby is moving around very regularly, doesn't seem to be in pain or otherwise abnormal at all. But I am worried... He loves to eat those timothy fuzzy heads and the softer hay. I'm about to go dig through our bin of hay and hand-pick some pieces just so he'll eat some more today...