bunny agitation question

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May 24, 2006
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Boone, North Carolina, USA
My bunny Burton just reached sexual maturity (itseems like he just did a complete 180 today) and I am taking him to thevet on Friday to be fixed.

I have a problem though. I think he is very frustrated rightnow. He will not stop chewing the bars of his cage and Ican't let him out because he won't stop chewing the carpet.When I sharply say his name to make him stop gnawing, hethumps. I know that's a sign of danger and what-not, but Ijust want to make sure he isn't going to hurt himself. Hehasn't stopped chewing since I put him back in his cage. Isthere anything I can do to relieve some of his stress? Thanks.
Hi, have you tried to give him a piece of woodto chew. We buy ours at Global Pets, it really helps to keepthem busy.

I also have the wooden hanging toys in their cages, beware of thesethough if they have a bell on them, they can be noisy in the night.

When you let him out can you put a piece of cardboard down on thecarpet so he can chew that? It's just a thought.

We give two of ours one of the huge brown garden bags to playin. They absolutely love it. They put holes in it,and go in & out chasing each other.

Good Luck

Burton has more toys than I do! He hasone of those hanging things with the bell, but he never pays muchattention to it. I took an apple stick off of it though andput it in his food bowl to maybe distract him from the bars.

Burton is a mover and a digger and I have some towels covering thecarpet, but he usually pulls them aside. He used to listenwhen I'd tell him to stop, but today he is just going nuts.Does this usually happen when they reach sexual maturity? Heis just acting so stressed and different that I'm really worried forhim.

Thanks for the suggestions though; the garden bag sounds like a goodidea. He likes forts built out of cardboard boxes so I'm surehe'd love that. It just started up today though and he justseems like a totally different bunny.
Hi, Daisy Mae was a little terror for about a month before her surgery. She's now back to her normal sweet self.

Our two boys were a little rambunctious before they had theirsurgery. Now they are sweet little boys. Wilbur andhis partner Jackie are so in love with each other, they do everythingtogether. Buttercup is our first and he really is a gem, he'sthe most lovable Bunny. He's the bunny in my avatars.

How old is Burton? I'd love to see a picture of him.


I think Burton might be around 6 monthsold. I'm not exactly sure about the age because he was aChristmas present from my boyfriend and the pet store he got Burtonfrom didn't seem like they had a clue about bunnies.

I am hoping the vet on Friday will be able to tell me everything I'vewanted to know about Burton--including his age and breed.Burton is the most energetic pet I've ever had and I love him todeath. He bonded with me fairly quickly (there wasn't ever areally shy period) and he loves to curl up in my lap when I'm reading(frequently ON TOP of the book, haha). He binkies all thetime and I was also wondering if the surgery was going to affect that,as in make him a little more calm. I hope it won't becausewatching him dance is always a highlight of my day. I treathim like a little baby and I just want him to be as happy as hepossibly can be.

My digital camera broke before I got Burton, but he is a medium sizedbunny. Mostly white with black ears and black around his eyesand nose. He has a few black speckles along his spine...doesthat breed ring a bell with you? I'm pretty sure they arecommon because the pet store seems to never run out of them.

Your bunnies sound amazing. I'd love to get a buddy forBurton but I don't know if I could afford to give TWO rabbits the mostcomfortable life. The apartment I'm moving into next year isa no-pet apartment, but there's no way I'd get rid of Burton.Maybe once I get settled into a new apartment I'll think about gettinghim a pal, but he might just be a single kind of bunny.

As for my concerns earlier, he seems much more calm now. Itore some pieces off a cardboard box and put them in his cage and Ihaven't heard him munching on his bars since that. I mightput some towels over the cage tonight to quiet him down abit. Thanks for all the help though!
See? He just wanted a specific toy! Fussy bun!;)

Two other ideas that might keep him from chewing the bars- one is toput the end of a sheet of newspaper through the bars. My bunsspend so much time pulling and shredding that to get it all in thecage! You could also attach a piece of wood to the spot he'schewing on the most. You could just tie it on with sisaltwine. Hopefully then he'll chew the wood instead of themetal.

Good luck with the neuter! Let us know how he does!
YeahI think I read your idea about thenewspaper in another thread and so I rooted around the apartment to tryand find some but came up empty handed. I'm nervous about theneuter! My little baby boy in surgery!
Yay! Burton's surgery wentfine. I had no idea it was going to be as expensive as itwas. The price I was given initially was $100 less than itturned out to be...but he's worth it! He's back at home andhe seems to be back to his usual self already. Giving him hismedicine has turned out to be a lot harder than I expected because he'ssuch a tough little guy.

He's 3.8 pounds and the vet says he might be a mix between a Hollandlop and some dwarf breed, but he's definitely mixed and not just onething.
thricekitty wrote:
He used to listen when I'd tell him to stop, but today he isjust going nuts. Does this usually happen when they reachsexual maturity?
hehehe YES!!!!!!!!!!!

Cage biting usually sets in around puberty, as well as the frantic digging and biting.

Good luck now that he's fixed! My two-year-old isn't fixed and he's still insane, although a lot calmer than that 6-mo. stage!

Eve wrote:
I'm glad to hear Burton's surgery went well :). Is he eating and drinking?
Not as much as I thought he would. It seems like he's hardlytouched his food. He hates his medicine even though the vetsaid he'd start to like it after the first taste. I feelawful forcing him to take it, but he just won't sit still. Hestill seems a little timid (which he never used to be) but I'm hopingby tomorrow or Monday that'll have worn off.

Any tips for making his medicine any more bearable for him?

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