New Member
(A long read, sorry. Needed to vent)
We got Bunnimon in Nov 2018. She was about 4 years old at the time. She's almost 6 now. She is sassy and sweet. She is honestly my best friend. And I am so scared and worried.
June 5th she went under one of the blankets and shed a large amount of fur(more than I have ever seen her ever do). I figured she was stress due to the fireworks going off the past few nights. The next few days up until yesterday she slowly stopped eating all and any of her food. I switched her greens for other ones she has eaten and nothing. I gave her pellets and that also didn't work. I gave her a slice of an apple and a carrot and all she did was lick them. Her behavior was normal though. She was still active. She would lay down in comfortable positions. Her poops were still about normal size and texture. I assumed it had to be a dental issue. I called her doctor and unfortunately, she was already overbooked for the week and the soonest they could see Bunnimon is on the 29th. So I went online looking for another vet. I found one that had positive reviews with bunnies. I contacted them and thankfully they were able to see Bunnimon. I don't have a car and this location was about 45 mins away. I was able to get a ride from my sister. I know the distance wasn't going to be good for Bunnimon, but what other choice did I have. We got to the vet and due to COVID, I could only drop her off. They took her in and I cried in the car. I hated that I couldn't be in the room with her. She's at a new doctors in a new place, I could only imagine how scared she was. They finally called me and they couldn't find anything wrong with her during her exam. They said she seems healthy and her teeth are fine. The vet said it might be a stomach issue. They wanted to do some Xrays and blood work. The Xrays I was fine with, the bloodwork I was nervous about because I've been told how fragile the bunny skin is. But I gave the go-ahead. 4 hours later and about $800 spent, I was called to pick up Bunnimon. I was told the doctor will call me tomorrow with the results and I was given 6 medications. SIX?!! 2 or 3 are antibiotics. 1 is laxatone, which I have given to her before. Another is probiotics. And the last is a powder mix. They also gave her some vitamins and such while she was in their care.
I am scared and worried because if the vet couldn't really find out why she's not eating and thinks its a stomach thing, will all these medications help? It's hard putting the life of someone you care so much about in the hands of stranger, even if that stranger is a professional. Its been about 15 hours since Bunnimons vet visit. Before I had to give her her medication she seemed okay. Now, she distant, in her hiddy hole. Make sense because she did not like taking the medication. BUT what has me scared? Her poops. They are a mix of either small, black and hard or gooey and black. She is also pooping a lot less. I know it could be from the stressful day she had and or the medication. She still isn't eating. She is drinking water normal... maybe a bit more than normal due to medication. I am scared guys...
I have done everything I can in my power. I have spent the little I had to my name. I am administring what I was told to do by a professional. I know only time will tell. But I am not ready for what is to come IF she doesn't get better.
Tl;dr Bunnimon stopped eating food. Behavior is normal. Took to vet. They couldnt find anything wrong. Need to give Bunnimon 6 different types of meds. Still not eating. Poops are different (maybe from stress and or meds). I AM SCARED.
We got Bunnimon in Nov 2018. She was about 4 years old at the time. She's almost 6 now. She is sassy and sweet. She is honestly my best friend. And I am so scared and worried.
June 5th she went under one of the blankets and shed a large amount of fur(more than I have ever seen her ever do). I figured she was stress due to the fireworks going off the past few nights. The next few days up until yesterday she slowly stopped eating all and any of her food. I switched her greens for other ones she has eaten and nothing. I gave her pellets and that also didn't work. I gave her a slice of an apple and a carrot and all she did was lick them. Her behavior was normal though. She was still active. She would lay down in comfortable positions. Her poops were still about normal size and texture. I assumed it had to be a dental issue. I called her doctor and unfortunately, she was already overbooked for the week and the soonest they could see Bunnimon is on the 29th. So I went online looking for another vet. I found one that had positive reviews with bunnies. I contacted them and thankfully they were able to see Bunnimon. I don't have a car and this location was about 45 mins away. I was able to get a ride from my sister. I know the distance wasn't going to be good for Bunnimon, but what other choice did I have. We got to the vet and due to COVID, I could only drop her off. They took her in and I cried in the car. I hated that I couldn't be in the room with her. She's at a new doctors in a new place, I could only imagine how scared she was. They finally called me and they couldn't find anything wrong with her during her exam. They said she seems healthy and her teeth are fine. The vet said it might be a stomach issue. They wanted to do some Xrays and blood work. The Xrays I was fine with, the bloodwork I was nervous about because I've been told how fragile the bunny skin is. But I gave the go-ahead. 4 hours later and about $800 spent, I was called to pick up Bunnimon. I was told the doctor will call me tomorrow with the results and I was given 6 medications. SIX?!! 2 or 3 are antibiotics. 1 is laxatone, which I have given to her before. Another is probiotics. And the last is a powder mix. They also gave her some vitamins and such while she was in their care.
I am scared and worried because if the vet couldn't really find out why she's not eating and thinks its a stomach thing, will all these medications help? It's hard putting the life of someone you care so much about in the hands of stranger, even if that stranger is a professional. Its been about 15 hours since Bunnimons vet visit. Before I had to give her her medication she seemed okay. Now, she distant, in her hiddy hole. Make sense because she did not like taking the medication. BUT what has me scared? Her poops. They are a mix of either small, black and hard or gooey and black. She is also pooping a lot less. I know it could be from the stressful day she had and or the medication. She still isn't eating. She is drinking water normal... maybe a bit more than normal due to medication. I am scared guys...
I have done everything I can in my power. I have spent the little I had to my name. I am administring what I was told to do by a professional. I know only time will tell. But I am not ready for what is to come IF she doesn't get better.
Tl;dr Bunnimon stopped eating food. Behavior is normal. Took to vet. They couldnt find anything wrong. Need to give Bunnimon 6 different types of meds. Still not eating. Poops are different (maybe from stress and or meds). I AM SCARED.