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I dont think this pic is particulary good but ithought i would post it to you because you can sort of see the tufts offur which could develop into a mane, what do you think?
Sorry I didn't let you get chance to post all thepictures before I replied. I just love all of them. Look at them allrunning about, they look so happy. Are you keeping them all?

Don't worry about the finger in the photo. Its the sort of thing I would do lol. Its still a great picture!

Oh thats ok Vickie. I'm always doing stupidthings like that, lol - on the best pics too! No, i probably notkeeping any as i think if i did, i wouldnt be able to give as much timeto the two i already have and they deserve the best! But i will tryselling them to friends so i can see them frequently. Glad you likethem too!

Leanne :)
OK i just went to the pet shop and they had about20 new bunnies in (thats unusual here) but anyway, i fell in love withthis gorgeous little lop with beautiful markings. It ran up to me andstarted licking my finger on its hind legs! then it started playingwihth a ball. I really really want it!!!! But i wasnt allowed. Its notfair!!!!! Lol! But i am desperate for it!!

But the annoying part about it was that i need to sell my little babieswhich are cross lionhead, i went there and they had 7 baby lionheadsfor sale - talk about competition!

heres a pic of all my animals, i currently havee13 in total. There is a few pics of all the baby rabbits and1 of the guinea pigs is camera shy, thats why you onlY see her back!

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