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Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2005
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Devon, , United Kingdom
well, 3 weeks and4 days in this pictureto be precise. I tried to take an easter looking picture when i sawIluvbunniez cute picture of hers. I didnt have a basket or anything buti made an atempt. It may not look very eastery but on the whole - ithink its very sweet. Lol!
I'm gonna try and go take some more pics now butlet me know what you think, arent they the cutest little buns! It alsoappears that to have manes coming in!!! I will try get a close up
Right, i have worked out how to reduce the imagesize so here we go. This first one is so very cute. Its one of thelittle darlings (Nipper i believe) kssing his daddy through the wire!
And heres another, Nibbles and Nipper are eatingin the foreground. Sebastian is on the right - the one not eating. Inthe background you can just about see Roxy's feeting popping out.
There are many more pics to post later. But rightnow i cant get the rest to work but i will try again tomorrow! pleasegive me yiur opinions of thebunnies! i Like knowing whatpeople think of my little babies. Leanne :)
Awwwwwwww Leanne There so ADORABLE andcuddley i just wanna reach in and grab it.Im Still in the process ofgetting more Easter Eggs in Thumpers Picture,I havent tryed Lil-Faysyet becasue she is still Jumpy when she is handled alot and movedaround unless thumper is there lol.Did your bunny make it to yourbackground yet? or is Thump still there lol

Here is the picture she is trying to get you guys. Ill begetting one HOPEFULLY with more eggs and or both of my bunnys in theeaster basket with eggs.. Also i think its time for Thumper to go on adiet Lol Lol she fills the hole basket up she is so chuby
OHH Look at the sweet little babies. I amkinda glad I don't live too close to ya'll because I could see yselfturning to crime...serious baby bunny napping to be exact. They areprecious.

Lol.. Thats funny but you couldnt steal Thumpershe would bit your hand off she is a mummys girl. Lil-Fay on the otherhand would run! lol Leane's bunnys are just sooooo cute. everyone onhere has such adorable bunnys

RusselandRoxy wrote:
well, 3 weeks and4 days in this picture to beprecise. I tried to take an easter looking picture when i sawIluvbunniez cute picture of hers. I didnt have a basket or anything buti made an atempt. It may not look very eastery but on the whole - ithink its very sweet. Lol!
:shock:They are adorable!I want to kiss their furry little faces! :)
aww, they all say thanks for the compliments!!They're runnin on my lap now and wont stay still!! Infact its hard totype. I will try get some more pics on now!!

Ashley - thumpers still on there at the moment lol , i havent got round to changing it!

Leanne :)

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