Bunnies Bleeding?

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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2006
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, , United Kingdom
I now let the bunnies out to play on the concrete which they totally love. The number of binkies they do is amazing.

When I scooped them up today to put them back in the hutch, I noticedthat their paws had little spots of blood on them, almost like they hadhurt themselves. It looks like the area that they would walk on, thearea where the most pressure is placed.

They dont seem to be affected in any way at all but I want to make sure I am not doing something wrong. :?:?
Sounds like sore hocks to me. It isVERY common in Rex rabbits due to the thin fur on the bottom of theirfeet. But a board in the cage so they have something to reston. I know Pam Nock uses Desitin on the bottoms to help healthe sores. Try that. You could also use neosporinon it too but I would try the Desitin...it is used to diaper rash ininfants.

So do I carry on letting them out? Theyabsolutely love going out there and just love running about at fullspeed chasing each other and binkying. I cant let them out anywhereelse as nothing else is secure and they would most likely escape
Could you let them out in an enclosed run on thelawn? It would be much softer. They could dig out,but you should be watching them while they play outside anyway.
the space that I let them out on quite big sohay wouldnt work. I think i might try and buy some carpet and put thatoutside. We dont really have a lawn as such. the back garden opens uponto a patio and then our garden is uneven and slopes down. I dontthink I could enclose them in any way

I have had a look at both of their paws. Only 1has been bleeding. the other is fine!! I am now wondering if it couldhave been when I tried to pick him up and he struggled causing a lot offriction on the floor? The other one is totally fine.:bunnydance:

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