Bunnies and Cats!! Y

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She's good!! :) She's out somewhere.... wait I seeher tail sticking out from under the recliner.... hahaha. All I see isa white fluff ball! She's doing well though! She was just runningaround like crazy, she's probably tired now....:)
That's so cute, Michelle! She sounds like she has so much fun with you.
Yup! She crawls on my head when I "play dead"andlie on the floor lol but I don't stay there too long because shelikes to eat my hair for some reason haha, She's my weird baby bun, andI love her so much! :)
Rabbits and Cats cannot interbreed. Iactually found a "cabbit" in my garage -- in reality they are deformedmanx cats that have a hopping gait similar to that of a rabbit.

Hi VinnieBunnie, A few years ago I had to have myPusskins put to sleep. I held him in my arms as he passed away. Iswear, I have never cried so hard, in my life. We brought him home andburied him under the Locust Tree. That night when I went to bed, hejumped up on the bed as he always did.
I knew he was gone and I let out a small scream. I had not expectedthis to happen.....he never came back onto the bed but, every now andthen when it is very quiet, I can hear him purring as he lays on thetop of the back of the couch. The place where he always slept and, tothis day, none of the other cats ever go! There are times when, out ofthe corner of my eye, I'll see a flash of "light" moving across thelivingroom floor. On a few occassions, I went around and "countedheads" and found all the animals asleep. Maybe it's just me but, I feelthat they don't really leave us. My Lumpy is under the Lilac in thebackyard but, I think it is him hopping around letting me know thathe's still here, with me. I know that, down the road, we'll all betogether again. Charlotte
Well I guess she just saw a deformed cat then...:) I thought they actually exsisted lol
Thank-you for the advice I got aboutrabbits and dogs. It's to bad that rabbits and dogs are riskytogether,I love our rabbit and I also love dogs. I don't like cats,dueto being allergic to them,because I have asthma and cats trigger myasthma really bad.So. having a cat would be out of the question for meto have.I'm not allergic to my rabbit or to other people's dogs.It'sonly the cats I'm allergic with.
I'd never mix a dog and a rabbit, most times, dogslike to eat them. My friends dogs bring home dead rabbits and otheranimals all the time...icky.

I completely agree, Dootsmom. I don't think they ever really leave useither. Thank you for sharing that story with us. I'm sure Vinniebunniewill appreciate it as much as I do.

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Pam, Thanks for confirming that the cat and rabbit can't be interbred. That freaked me out a bit!

HI i have a bunch of cats that go in and out of mybarn and none of them bother my bunnies. some of the cats will crawl inthe cages with the bunnies while i am feeding them and startcleaning the bunnies or lay next to them, i have one mom cat that ifshe's in the barn and a baby falls out of the cages she will pick it uplike her baby and keep it warm till i come in the barn and if she isnursing kittens some times the babies will try to nurse off her and ifthey find her nipple she will allow them to nurse of them .its so caute . but i have had no trouble with any of my cats that arearound my bunnes. and some play with each others. i have had therabbtis chase that cats before or even try to mont on them it's sofunny.

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