Bunnicula's Castle

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Well-Known Member
May 27, 2007
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Bunnicula's Castle, S.Central, Pennsylvania, USA
Welcome to Bunnicula's Castle!

We are glad that you have joined us. Bunnicula is the title character in a series of children's mystery books by James Howe. In Bunnicula and the subsequent books, Chester the household cat suspects the little black and white bunny that has come to live with him to be a vampire (it's the lifeless, juiceless, fang-marked veggies about the house that are his first clue).

Our home became the castle to mysterious bunnies almost 5 years ago when Gingivere came to live her. She immediately proclaimed herself Queen of the Warren and boss of the 2 full-sized humans and 10 cats that already lived here.


After a year of torturing the felines, it was determined that she should have a lapine friend to love. So, we brought home Stewart, and for the 2 short years of his life (he battled pasteurella all along) he was the love of his bunny lady.


Before he crossed the Rainbow Bridge, Emmaline entered the household...and there were many binkies and kisses shared. But after Stewart's death, Gingivere became depressed and agitated to the point that she grew aggressive towards Emmaline. 2 emergency vet trips and many attempts at a reunion later, the girls were forced to live separately.


Loneliness set in for Emmaline then, and after a few short months she met her soul-mate, Pipkin.


They are now the best of friends who sneak bunny kisses to Gingivere through the bars of her cage.

We are glad that you have entered our domain and taken the time to visit us here at our Bunnicula's Castle Blog. It is our hope that you will visit often, and many of you will become special friends. Over time we promise to post photos of the humans and 10 feline slaves.

Hoppy trails!

Bunnicula (aka Mary Ellen), Gingivere, Emmaline, & Pipkin

P.S. Sorry the photos are so large. We couldn't get photobucket to resize. :X

Aha! So this is your blog, by the way those are some of the most adorable lop eared bunny rabbits I have seen in a long time. Just don't be surprised if Thumper has something to say about all this though.
We quite expect Lord Thumper to have something to say, and he is welcome to visit us here any time...along with the lovely Francesca.

I've got to agree that our little lops are adorable...but then I am partial.

Each one has his/her own personality, and they would love to tell their own stories...so I suppose I should leave the computer keyboard in their capable paws!

Mary Ellen (aka Bunnicula)
Bunnicula wrote:
Each one has his/her own personality, and they would love to tell their own stories...so I suppose I should leave the computer keyboard in their capable paws!

Mary Ellen (aka Bunnicula)

Precisely, woman...so get out of the way before I THUMP you!


Dear Loyal Subjects,

I am about to tell you the tale of how I pillaged the residence of two unsuspecting humans and created my own domain: Bunnicula's Castle.

It all began in on a cold January morning. I had the great misfortune of being held prisoner at a small the hardware store. I was being held along with a few of my siblings in a cold, steel trap. Oh, sure, they left a bowl of dry, stale pellets and some stagnant water there for us to share...conditions that would be acceptable to any ordinary RABBIT. But I knew better. I remembered the tales my mama had told me when I was just a wee bun barely able to see...she would tell me of my heritage in a line of royal bunnies...and of my right to rule as Queen of the Warren!

As I sat in the trap plotting a means of escape, pathetic humans would slug past and coo incomprehensible human-baby words. "Ooooooh, look at the cutesie wootsie wittle bunnies!" they would whisper to one another. My siblings cowered pitifully in the corner to the sound of, "Awww, they're sooooooo scared." I, however, chose to sit upright in the midst of the cage. A queen must uphold her dignity, you know.

Then it happened. The ultimate sucker came along. Okay, I had seen her there a few times in previous days. She would look into the trap as if she were sizing us up. No cooing. No baby talk. Just an analytical look and shaking of the head. This day she finally spoke. I heard her ask the clerk, "Could I hold this one?" She was pointing directly at me!

Oh my! What to do? Mama had never prepared me for this. Her last words as I was being hauled off to the store had been, "Be strong. Be brave. Rule the world!" And so I would. As the woman picked me up (and she had one heck of a lot to learn about picking ME up...) she stated, "a frightened bunny won't work in our house...there are 10 cats."

"Hot damn!" I thought. "Ten slaves! And at least one human to go along with the deal." I sat in her arms straight, tall, and brave. This woman would be my means of escape. What would I do once I got out? Who had time to think of that? What I had to do then and there was GET OUT. For a brief second I felt some remorse at leaving my siblings behind. But you've gotta look out for yourself in this bun-eat-bun world.

I must be off to nibble some timothy (my, but doesn't that sound naughty?) and keep my GI tract in order. I do promise to write more later..

Till then my lapine subjects always remember:

Dogs have owners. Cats have staff. Rabbits have slaves!

Your Ruler,

Queen Gingivere


Feline slaves make soft pillows!
Hi Pipkin! this is your bunny friend Cleo!! i love your blog!! if that is a picture of you (under your name) you are a beautiful rabbit!! well I will talkk 2 u later!!

polly wrote:
I can't wait to hear the rest of the bunnies stories:D

What do you mean the rest of their stories? You can't possibly think that the other two dimwits have anything to say. Besides, I an NOWHERE NEAR FINISHED with my tale. I've got almost five years of stories, Polly! Just wait. If only I could get this %#!?#* human away from the computer for more than 30 seconds. She has no idea about creative genius and the need to put words to paper (or computer screen).

I'll be happy to regale you with another of my tantalizing tales soon!

Till then, worship me as you should.

Your Ruler,

Queen Gingivere

cleobunny1307 wrote:
Hi Pipkin! this is your bunny friend Cleo!! i love your blog!! if that is a picture of you (under your name) you are a beautiful rabbit!! well I will talkk 2 u later!!


Cweo! Cweo!

You did wisid me at the bwog! I wuvs when my fwiends wisid! Me and Emmywine is gonna sneaks on the compooder at night when mom and Ginnyvere is sweeping. We are gonna wite our own stowies. Ginnyvere thinks she is da ony bunny who has stowies to tew...but she is wong. (PWEASE don't tew her I said dat. She wiw fump me good!)

I hope you comes to see uses at da bwog wotsa times. You are my bestest fwiend ever (cept for Emmywine). You are my bestest fwiend that doesn't wiv wid me.

Talk to you soon.

Your Bestest Fwiend,


P.S. Yes, dat is me...da silvuh one. I wikes to get cwose to da camma.
I am so sorry queen Gingivere, i can't wait to hear the rest of your stories. I can see you live a very full bunny life and must have lots of things for us to read. :)

Dear Loyal Subjects,

Escaped! I have finally escaped! Somehow I found myself in the dungeon here at Bunnicula's Castle. You would hardly believe what I was subject to...darkness, dampness, and imprisonment in a steel trap. It was like a scene out of The Man in the Iron Mask!


OH FOR GOODNESS SAKES, GINGI! You know mama just moved us to the basement for two days during the heat and high humidity. It was wonderfully cool down there. And she put our houses by the window...not to mention the light that went on and off by timer. We had food, water, hay, eachother....and the cat slave Nora to meet our every need. Mama spent time with us...and as soon as the cool of this evening arrived, she brought us upstairs and we've been out running and binkying ever since.


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