Bunbuns first vet visit.

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Sep 4, 2012
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Buffalo, New York, USA
I adopted bunbuns from the spca a week ago and today is his first vet visit. He is recently neutered (within the last month) and two years old. I bought him a comfort harness and leash from pet smart so the vet will have something to hold him with instead of wrapping him in a towel. Bunbuns doesnt like to be wrapped in anything. I want to ask the vet to show me how to clip his nails. Is there anything else I should ask about? Bunbuns is in good health as far as I can see but he is a bit temperamental every now and then...but I suppose that is because I spoil him and when he doesnt get his way he throws temper tantrums...lol like this weekend my boyfriend an I were cleaning the house and bunbuns was out. John had just feed him a concord grape (bunbuns new favorite treat) and walk back into the living room. Bunbuns followed and head butted his feet presenting himself for some loving. John ignored him and bunbuns head butted him a few more time and finally love nipped him a bit harder than normal. I thought it was hysterical but my bf did not so bunbuns was put in "time out" (his pen) until we were done cleaning.
how can you be mad at this face?

Bunbuns is ADORABLE!! I could never be mad at a face like that! Congratulations on adopting him! :)

Talk to your vet about nutrition and maybe have the vet look at his teeth (if he will let the vet without sedation). Kiwi let's us do that.

Is Bunbuns litter trained?
He's very handsome! I wouldn't put him in the harness if he isn't used to wearing it. If it's one of those vest harnesses, be careful as I've had issues with rabbits getting out of them and now I use an H style harness. It may also affect the vet's ability to do an exam as it may cover the axillary lymph nodes and prevent him from accessing the chest to use his stethoscope.

If you do discuss nutrition, have your vet show you how to evaluate his body condition score so you know if he is under or overweight.
Thank goodness YES! :yahoo: he came trained already. He is so good about using his box. Only issues we've had is the first night he used the couch throw pillows but we assumed it was because he was confused on where his box was. He marked the other day but I cleaned it up with white vinegar(while he was head butting me) and put the kleenex in his litter box.
Thank you for letting me know to ask the vet to check his teeth. :)
Hopefully he'll be a good bun at the vet today
Ok good advice about the harness. He is still getting used to it. He doesnt seem to mind the actual harness but he HATES the leash. But i cant blame him . Id hate it too if I were him.
on our first trip, I asked a lot of random questions, all of which I could've gotten answered here if I had known about this forum at the time :p

you might bring whatever pellets you're feeding (specifically, the nutritional info) to get the vet's opinion - I did that with the sherwood forest food after I got it to make sure he agreed with the choice.
sgasz_mrbunbuns wrote:
Bunbuns followed and head butted his feet presenting himself for some loving. John ignored him and bunbuns head butted him a few more time and finally love nipped him a bit harder than normal. I thought it was hysterical but my bf did not so bunbuns was put in "time out" (his pen) until we were done cleaning.
You should have put your boyfriend in time out instead of the rabbit. The rabbit was trying to bond and should have been acknowledged.

Rabbits are highly social animals and it is bad enough when they don't have another rabbit for company, but if you want to have a well adjusted bunny it would behoove you not to ignore his requests for social contact.

I found this site to be very helpful: http://language.rabbitspeak.com/

One thing that I always did as a bonding techniquewhen passing BunBun was to bend down and give him a quick scratch. I would never ignore a request from him. When BunBun WANTS attention, BunBun GETS attention. Or else!


Please don't think he's not getting lot of attention and bonding time with both of us. Bunbuns got put in his pen because we were both rushed to get the house clean for guests. After we were done be was let back out to play. :) thank you for your concern for bunbuns though. he is a spoiled and much loved bun.
sgasz_mrbunbuns wrote:
Please don't think he's not getting lot of attention and bonding time with both of us.
I have no doubt that he is.

The point that I was trying to make is that even if it is just a quick scratch, it can pay dividends to not ignore a rabbit's overtures.

In the example that you gave, I would have given him a quick scratch at the head butt, then a quick smootch as he was carried to his cage and maybe a treat to distract him.A small amount of time given when the bunny requests it can pay bigger dividends that a large amount of time spent with a rabbit sulking from being rebuffed.

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